Hi guys !!
First i'm a real frech from France, so my language could be "strange" or bad, please apologize if you don't understand
So, I'm Emanuel i've got 20 and i'm in love with my clio.
I'm studying automotive at school
This my second clio, cause i've crashed the first, but i bought exactelly the same, i'm crazy says my friends
I'm gonna present the "second".
Clio dCi 80 09/2004 Sport Dynamique with Automatic AC and that's all.
All the modifications .. in french (sorry
[size=14pt]Modifs faites:[/size]
-Ampoules Silvervision Avant + Arriere
-Veilleuses Philips BlueVision
- H1/H7 Bosch +90
- Essuies-Glace Valeo Silencio
- Plaques Blanches en tole Renault
- Antenne de Modus 2
- Tambours + Etriers noir brillant
- AutoBra
- Autocollant Forum-clio
- Gicleurs de C3 (Merciii Godz :rs
- Monogrammes 2.4
- Joint capot Twingo 1
- Aliums 16' de RS
- Elargisseurs 16mm Bratex + goujons et ecrous
- 4 Bilstein B8 et Ressorts Eibach -30 :rs:
- Disques Zimmermann GRN + DS2500
- Suppression EGR
-Autoradio Pioneer DEH-5000UB + Module commandes au volant + Integration du port USB sous la clim
- Tapis de sol Renault Sport
- Rajout du Rheostat de Compteur
- 2ème Eclairage de Coffre
- Plafonnier Full Bluevision (W5W)
- Lustrage Baguettes Sport Dynamique
- Remplacement de l'allume cigare par un +12v de Picasso
- Console + Platine Nacrée RS 2.2
And a few pictures, cause i've got about 10GB and i can't post all :rasp:
The last one
In the few day's i'm gonna mount a Rear wheel axle unit with brack disk from a Clio RS1
A picture taken this day, after 7 months everything is like new.
Hope you understand me
And sorry i forgot the "i" on dCi in the title :lol:
First i'm a real frech from France, so my language could be "strange" or bad, please apologize if you don't understand
So, I'm Emanuel i've got 20 and i'm in love with my clio.
I'm studying automotive at school
This my second clio, cause i've crashed the first, but i bought exactelly the same, i'm crazy says my friends
I'm gonna present the "second".
Clio dCi 80 09/2004 Sport Dynamique with Automatic AC and that's all.
All the modifications .. in french (sorry
[size=14pt]Modifs faites:[/size]
-Ampoules Silvervision Avant + Arriere
-Veilleuses Philips BlueVision
- H1/H7 Bosch +90
- Essuies-Glace Valeo Silencio
- Plaques Blanches en tole Renault
- Antenne de Modus 2
- Tambours + Etriers noir brillant
- AutoBra
- Autocollant Forum-clio
- Gicleurs de C3 (Merciii Godz :rs
- Monogrammes 2.4
- Joint capot Twingo 1
- Aliums 16' de RS
- Elargisseurs 16mm Bratex + goujons et ecrous
- 4 Bilstein B8 et Ressorts Eibach -30 :rs:
- Disques Zimmermann GRN + DS2500
- Suppression EGR
-Autoradio Pioneer DEH-5000UB + Module commandes au volant + Integration du port USB sous la clim
- Tapis de sol Renault Sport
- Rajout du Rheostat de Compteur
- 2ème Eclairage de Coffre
- Plafonnier Full Bluevision (W5W)
- Lustrage Baguettes Sport Dynamique
- Remplacement de l'allume cigare par un +12v de Picasso
- Console + Platine Nacrée RS 2.2
And a few pictures, cause i've got about 10GB and i can't post all :rasp:
The last one
In the few day's i'm gonna mount a Rear wheel axle unit with brack disk from a Clio RS1
A picture taken this day, after 7 months everything is like new.
Hope you understand me
And sorry i forgot the "i" on dCi in the title :lol: