Im not under 25, im 26

Im not involving insurance, they said as I had a crash in germany it was third party only.:dapprove: even though im fully comp.
Not worried about cosmetics will improve them gradually. just want to get it rolling.
I forgot to mention im a good diy mechanic and got all the tools so all works apart from jigging if necessary I can do.
took all the damage off today apart from the rear beam and inner tie rod... the inner rod has a hex for a spanner but is really thin with a stupid plastic thing stops you getting the spanner on. so not took that off yet.
unsure if front subframe/ARB are knackered, sure its got afew scrapes on the front edge but not seen any creases yet.
luckily I can get a rear beam and subframe and wishbone for about £300 so not extreme.
just a driveshaft and tie rod to sort then. followed by bumper and wing. headlight ok just broke a plastic mounting clip.
I also have the original wheels with tyres.
cant seperate the abs/traction? sensor from the caliper even after removing the bolt. but think can just leave it on as as just traced the wiring back and undone the wiring
more pics tomorrow. ill whip the rear beam off and check the boot floor inside and out.
cheers for all your input lets see what happens...:evil:
this wasnt the track car thats a golf mk2 gti. this is the daily