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National Tyres Oil & filter Change £41.31 Castrol Edge 5W40 (includes oil filter)

  2004 1.5 DCi 80 Dyna
  106 Quicky
You can get castrol oil from Asda for £10 on offer, Just have to be the first to know about it as it sells out really quick!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Changing "Oil and Filter" alone is not a service... Jesus, £41.31, people are really starting to get tight.
  ITB BG 182
We beat that, so would most of the other specialists, chain places do taketh le piss
Meanwhile, it takes or well costs some people around £30 to travel to 'specialists' like yourself, while a national auto centre is within 10 miles.


£41 is a fair price for an oil an filter change, question is do they really use castrol? My friend used to work for them, the advertised castol, but when it came to changing the oil and filter, they used some nasty drivetec oil!! Be warned

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Would you really trust 'National Tyres' to do everything correctly?


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Cheers John, I'm still new around here so its hard to get people to trust me but I am very capable and trustworthy (honest lol). I try to treat people as I'd like to be treated which has served me well so far.My website is undergoing a lot of change and development at the minute as I do all that myself to and I'm concentrating on getting more people finding my workshop. A map section with directions should be up later this evening if you're stuck.
