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New 172 FF owner

  Clio 172

I have just bought a 2001 172 FF in red. Having owned a Mazda RX-8 for the past 7 months and getting fed-up of the petrol costs etc I decided it was time for somthing cheaper to run but still wanted somthing fun to drive and a few toys (xenons, auto lights etc). Anyway, here it is!


One question though, is it possible to adjust the seat height?

  Suzuki Ignis Sport
Seat height is not possible, unless u fit customised seat frames/sub frames - I THINK!

Nice tidy car, a splitter would finish the car off perfectly!

How are RX-8s to drive?... and what insurance group are they? they're quite high aren't they?
  Clio 172
RX-8 is group 17 i think. It's a fair bit quicker and the driving position is alot more comfy, took it around the Nurburgring in June and loved it. Full leather seats are not so great though, always hot an sweaty in the RX, even with the climate control on. Ive not had the chance to really go for it in the 172 yet so cant compare the handling.

  In between cars....
You can adjust seat height mate, have a play with the levers and stuff under the seat, cant remember which one it is off the top of my head
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
Ohh yeah you can, it feels like its swinging up or downwards.. i remember now!


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
The left hand lever adjusts the seat height on the drivers side. Lovely car, great colour. The RX8's a great car, but the fuel costs are just too high given the performance
  172 mk2 Iceberg
Well done good choice ...

I take my rx8 friend out in the 172 and he s***s himself.......

But i do like the look of his rx8
  Clio 172
Must admit, I am going to miss the RX8 but, for the running costs I would rather run a Porsche or somthing more special, instead I opted for the more sensible route as I want to save for a house deposit. Still have the RX8 at the moment, up for sale for £8000. £2000 in depreciation in 7 months!!

  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
Looks really clean mate love flamers , welcome to cliosport , and before you get any more 172FF remarks. Theres no 172FF its 172(what you have) and 172 cup on mk2 clios. the only FF is a 182 with both cup options 182, 182FF,182 cup and 182 trophy.:D


ClioSport Club Member
Welcome to Clio sport :)

Under the drivers seat on the right hand side is a handle, that adjusts the seat height.

The passenger seat doesn't have this feature.
  tiTTy & SV650
nice, my fave colour.

RX8's are very capable cars, handling is awesome and they hold onto the gears so long I had one all over me in the 182. Shame I find them so ugly lol
