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New Exhaust Info Req.

  ph1 titanium 172

Hi there everyone

I own a mk1 172, 25k miles and the mid silencer is starting to resonate quite badly after a good blast, it resonates at about 3500 revs and the sound seems to be coming from roughly underneath the passengers seat. I am in a bit of a predicament what to do... shall I go to the Renault dealer and get it replaced with the direct 172 replacment exhaust etc... or is it best for me to invest in a decent third party exhaust system, such as the magnex ?? I am not very good at cars etc, so can anyone suggest what I would need to get and how much I am looking to spend ? I would ideally like to replace the complete system, but the main thing is to sort out this noisy silencer. (someone told me the baffles have gone or something along those lines).


Quote: Originally posted by dogmaul on 21 August 2003

the center section from renault is about 180 inc vat iirc
Its more like £500 just for the center section!!!!!!! The £180 is a discounted price for cars just over 1 year old, and so just out of the 1year warranty that you get for the exhaust. :confused:
