True but £840 verses £220 (average retail price of the Extreme compared with the 920) for the same end result* once clocked (given the board and other components in the aforementioned system) I know which I'd go with.
* - Merely based on what I've read/witnessed which shows the 920 and 965 are both capable of 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 ghz using the right board/memory which the OP is.
Like I said I jealous anyway. I just can't see the justification of a £600 outlay where it's not necessary or advantageous.
Obviously not jealous at all...
Edit - All I'll say is the CPU choice seems a little OTT. The I7 920 can easily reach the same overclock tolerance as the massively more expensive I7 965. IIRC they both reach circa 4.4ghz.
The extreme chips do tend to be more likely to OC higher TBH. However, what sets them apart is the unlocked multi, meaning you have a bit more flexibilty with OCing and can go for straight away for big speeds without having to OC the board too much. Otherwise yeah I tend to agree a 920 is probably a better choice on a budget. More is always better though![]()
True but £840 verses £220 (average retail price of the Extreme compared with the 920) for the same end result* once clocked (given the board and other components in the aforementioned system) I know which I'd go with.
* - Merely based on what I've read/witnessed which shows the 920 and 965 are both capable of 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 ghz using the right board/memory which the OP is.
Like I said I jealous anyway. I just can't see the justification of a £600 outlay where it's not necessary or advantageous.
Yeah you're not wrong. I'm not sure that the 920 will easily reach those speeds though, certainly not on air. In any case, Core i7 920 is apparently the CPU of choice for the penny wise overclocker. I can never not recommend the extreme chips though. In my experience they are epic. SO easy to overclock. I'll never say they are a waste of money...perhaps just toward the upper scale of what's sensible![]()
Very nice! Thats some serious kit.
You could try OCCT Adman -
Keep it in SLI with physx enabled.
It is two GPUs welded together with awesome.
How is it SLI though, sorry dont understand?
Physx is enabled.
Ahh right I get ya. Will change it back then.
Still need to get 3DMark Vantage on the go.
I also want your help later with regards to my Overclock. I will post up what I did last night later which is basically just a slight change of the preset 3.8Ghz overclock stored in the BIOS.
Take a look here Adam -
Might want to grab yourself a beer later and take your time reading through it.
Tempted to get another 295...
P21583 is good. I ran around P19610. Totally in keeping with what one would expect from that machine. I could try overclocking some more, and start OCing the GTX295, but TBH it's the games that matter.
You've got an epic rig there my man. Start playing the games :approve:
Don't be daft![]()
More 3D marks + no difference in games <> £500
BTW your max temp is HIGH, and 5 minutes of Prime is not enough. You want to be stable for at least 12 hours IMO.
Firstly, make sure you find out the tjMax for that CPU and enter it into the settings of realtemp. If the tjmax is wrong, you can't rely on the readings.
Personally, I would run that system at stock for a good few weeks while you learn about it, and know how it runs. OCing it straight away is not needed right now. It will play any game you like at ultra-uber-max. IMO play the games. Get used to the machine. Learn it. Know it. Then start OCing if you feel you want more fps.
That's just my advice. Feel free to ignore it, but I've been where you are before, more than once![]()