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New to Clio 182 (Focus ST170 Convert)

  Clio 182
Just to introduce myself and show the soon-to-be-owned 182. Totally standard (no cup unfortunately) but great history, low mileage and belts changed. All looks tidy apart from minior corrosion at the rear pipe and the (apparently infamous) leaking/blocked headlight jet. Incidentally selling my Focus - great car and quite practical, just not a massive leap from a standard 2.0.
  Clio 182
Thanks for welcome(s). No plans yet, just check everything's working as it should. Need to live with it for a few weeks and make sure it's sound first. Engine mounts seem good, all electrics working too. I do prefer the look of 182s with the cup spoiler pack so may investigate a DIY job on that but really not important. Actually one thing I wasn't sure about... It's got two good pirellis on the back and two no-brands (but with good tread) on the front - is it worth swapping front-back?
  Nimbus 197, Ph1 172
Worth buying decent boots all round, although if you have to keep them, leave the Pirellis on the rear. How was the Focus? Nearly bought one twice now, but something puts me off.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Get 4 tyres if you can mate, on a performance car I don't see the point in mixing and matching tyres.

Front tyres also wear different back to front so the car will feel different if the Pirellis have done some mileage on the back.

  Clio 182
Thanks for the tyre info, I'll investigate options.

At the risk of starting a discussion in the wrong area... The Focus is a great car, farily refined and a good solid chassis. Gearbox is lovely (6sp) too. Mine has let me down with a few mechanical faults and a number of irritating interior trim damage/rattling, but I doubt that's indicative of all Foci. All has been repaired so it still drives well, but I've lost confidence in it a bit. Main reason for change is the the lack of power. As I read on another forum somewhere: "I don't know where the 170BHP goes, but it's nowhere near the wheels". Happy to give you a more detailed ownership experience if you're interested.


  Audi S1
Thanks for the tyre info, I'll investigate options.

At the risk of starting a discussion in the wrong area... The Focus is a great car, farily refined and a good solid chassis. Gearbox is lovely (6sp) too. Mine has let me down with a few mechanical faults and a number of irritating interior trim damage/rattling, but I doubt that's indicative of all Foci. All has been repaired so it still drives well, but I've lost confidence in it a bit. Main reason for change is the the lack of power. As I read on another forum somewhere: "I don't know where the 170BHP goes, but it's nowhere near the wheels". Happy to give you a more detailed ownership experience if you're interested.

Welcome. You'll find that with the Clio too :dapprove:


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I do love focus ST170's. Probably one of the best hatchback chassis of our time imo.

But I also agree, its a warm hatch at best. Just nowhere near enough power to wear the ST badge.

Welcome to CS. :)


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Couldn't agree with Daniel more. I do like them though, maybe that's the Ford fan in me?

Welcome along mate.
  Clio 182
Thanks all, I'll let you know how I get on. Will do a comparison between the two cars once I've got a few weeks ownership under my belt too.
