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Hi all, have been looking on the forums for a couple of days now and I must say, some of the cars on here are an inspiration! Mainly because I haven't got a clio yet, however my plan is to own one in the not so distant future. Im not going to labour anyone with 'what should I look out for' just yet as I am still getting things together. I have been looking at 172 cup's mainly, (Im absolutely hooked - especially in silver) and wondered what any owners on here think of them?
  Fiesta ST-3
Welcome to the fold mofo. I have a cup but not a silver one (its only a colour) and I love it to pieces. Best fun ive had in a car. You wont be disapointed
Yeah noticed the silvers are rare beasts! A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of the phase 1's which I like but a bit concerned about the high mileage. Seen and heard some horror stories too. Is that the sort of mileage you'd expect for one of them? Anyone had any nightmares? Just loving the front end compared to the ph2!
