Bad luck mate. Good job they didnt hit you. I see what people are saying about if it didnt hit you then youre ok. Im afraid as it says in your insurance, to not admit its your fault even if it is and you want to be nice etc.
Why didnt he beep the horn? or flash? but if he was in your blind spot, maybe it was too late.
I was in a pretty much identical situation ages ago in my VW Scirocco. I was driving my girlfriend home in the outside lane of a dual carriage way. Cars were tailgating me and i was doing about 85 ish not really tanking it. Anyway, a land rover (very similar!) towing a horse box decided it would pull out into my lane with me in it! and then reaslised i was there and swerved back. I stomped the brakes slightly (car did a boater on the suspension) and then heard this almighty screeching tyre squeeal behind me filling my rear view mirror, my reactions were "oh shoot" and chucked that gearstick into 3rd and booted it pulling away just in the nick of time. I heard about 3 cars (tailgating each other) have a pile up and bits were flying everywhere. I just toasted away as it wasnt my fault, they were following too closely and should have had ABS (!!

). I felt it was my fault for a while, but it wasnt - the horse towing boat was the problem, but that kept going and the cars - i guess - would have to sort it out with each other. i.e. who ever went into who evers back end.
It bet, unless there were witnii (?) or unless you admit it, youll be ok. As far as your insurance company is involved they wont want to pay, obviously, and your car wasnt scratched etc so you couldnt have even been there.
Its like if youre caught speeding, you want evidence of a picture and calibration certificates.
Its harsh on the guy who crashed as its kinda ur fault, although if you indicated etc you did what u had to, but i bet he sped up to block you in, i think youll be ok. (if any of that makes any sense what so ever!?)
Things go strange ways sometimes. We bought a metro turbo, it had no TAX and was only insured 3rd party through a mates policy. Anyway, my friend drove it ( i think he wasnt insured, oh dear - > bad) and was going down a road where cars were parked on the other side of the road. A car was coming the other way on the wrong side (forced by parked cars) and they hit head on. The police knew he wasnt insured/taxed etc but his excuse was that he was testing it prior to an MOT/getting on the road and the police said that was ok, as it was only a few yards from its home. The other driver had to claim on his insurance in the end and my friend thought he was up for 6 points and re-take test etc. a lucky son of a ............and very naughty.