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Non 172/182 shells - are they the same?


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Hi all,

Quick one. Are non 172/182 shells the same as a 172/182? Eg if I had to re-shell a 172/182, could I pick up a dirt cheap 1.2 etc and all the 172/182 bits would swap over?

Eg rear beams, front subframes, engine mounts, etc etc



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Hi all,

Quick one. Are non 172/182 shells the same as a 172/182? Eg if I had to re-shell a 172/182, could I pick up a dirt cheap 1.2 etc and all the 172/182 bits would swap over?

Eg rear beams, front subframes, engine mounts, etc etc

I don't know why you'd want to make your life harder? It's easy to pick up a cheap 172 nowadays.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Just thinking if you've got a rusty complete 172/182, or its been rear ended or something along those lines. You can pick up a 1.2 etc for a couple hundred quid.

I think I saw that the non 172/182s are less prone to rust due to no side skirts?


ClioSport Club Member
Hi all,

Quick one. Are non 172/182 shells the same as a 172/182? Eg if I had to re-shell a 172/182, could I pick up a dirt cheap 1.2 etc and all the 172/182 bits would swap over?

Eg rear beams, front subframes, engine mounts, etc etc

Everything in theory would swap over. Although tough to find one without a sunroof so possibly be better with a campus model or similar. You’d be correct that they are a tad less likely to rust due to not having side skirt brackets riveted on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Everything in theory would swap over. Although tough to find one without a sunroof so possibly be better with a campus model or similar. You’d be correct that they are a tad less likely to rust due to not having side skirt brackets riveted on.
A 172/182 with a sunroof would be kinda cool? 🤣


ClioSport Club Member

Hard to find a non leaking sunroof, I swapped a rear ended 172 into my non sport with sunroof back in 2009/10
A 172/182 with a sunroof would be kinda cool? 🤣


ClioSport Club Member

So what's actually different?

I'm assuming front subframes and hubs etc are different. But what about rear beam? Front wings?
You can use the front subframe but it’s missing a hole for the gearbox mount so if you’ve got the 1*2 one there you’d be as well changing it all with the wishbones etc.
Rear beam is different.
Sport wings/full body kit is different.
To be honest you really do just need to swap everything in from the sport.

I wouldn’t even bother as the looms on the sport these days have seen their best days. That’s probably where most issues are with them wiring being a total ballache. You start to disturb it and it’s going to be issue after issue. Be better spending the money buying a good 172 or 182 to start with and just leave it as is.


ClioSport Club Member
Resale value in the future is worth considering. Non sport converted will be worth less than a genuine sport. All depends what you want it for i guess.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
You can use the front subframe but it’s missing a hole for the gearbox mount so if you’ve got the 1*2 one there you’d be as well changing it all with the wishbones etc.
Rear beam is different.
Sport wings/full body kit is different.
To be honest you really do just need to swap everything in from the sport.

I wouldn’t even bother as the looms on the sport these days have seen their best days. That’s probably where most issues are with them wiring being a total ballache. You start to disturb it and it’s going to be issue after issue. Be better spending the money buying a good 172 or 182 to start with and just leave it as is.
Are the rear quarters the same? Or sport models flared a little?


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Resale value in the future is worth considering. Non sport converted will be worth less than a genuine sport. All depends what you want it for i guess.
Yeah good point tbh. If its a dedicated track car then it would matter I suppose


ClioSport Club Member
Identical shells if you get one without a sunroof, myself and @aldo_87 have done a couple of reshells with ours, much better condition shells on the non RS cars now. As brigsy says, only worth it if it's a long term project so future resale isn't a concern


ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
Insuring it will be interesting too I'd imagine, wouldn't it essentially be a modified 1.2?


ClioSport Club Member
No idea what the legality of it would be, but if you had a bare shell, what's stopping you from putting the 1*2 VIN on the 1.2 shell and using that v5, plate etc.?


ClioSport Club Member
  Campus 1*2
I had a flamer that was hanging with rust so it ended up stripped bare. Found a 57 reg black Campus that had been garaged for the last 10 years which was £800. The shell is in really nice condition.

I used the complete wiring from the 172 and laid it into the Campus. I think that was the most different area of the reshell.

Hopefully I'll have mine running in the next month or so.


ClioSport Club Member
  Campus 1*2
No idea what the legality of it would be, but if you had a bare shell, what's stopping you from putting the 1*2 VIN on the 1.2 shell and using that v5, plate etc.?
I expect that if you had a matching colour for your donor, black, flame red etc it would be unlikely to come back at you.

It's pretty illegal though lol


ClioSport Club Member
I worked with a guy who built a rover V8 hilux on a defender chassis. It was his daily for years running on lpg and all was fine until one day he was pulled and asked why anpr said his Toyota was a land rover? He had to have it inspected like a kit car and it ended up on a Q plate after.


ClioSport Club Member
I expect that if you had a matching colour for your donor, black, flame red etc it would be unlikely to come back at you.

It's pretty illegal though lol
Makes sense, not something I've got the skills to do (re-shell a car) anyway, just an interesting thought.
Two essentially identical bare shells next to you, one is a rusty 182 other is a 1.2, swap the VIN plates over, bring all the 182 gubbins over, give it a respray and I'm not sure anyone would ever be able to tell.
Obviously never do that if it's illegal or whatever :ROFLMAO:
