Re: Diesel in a 182
i dout they will find much at renault tbh, diesel is thinker than petrol so it mayb efouling the injectors slighty, but as mentioned theres redex, i feel that after a few tanks of petrol been put through her she will be fine
My pipes are black and full of s**te, generally happens when using peasent spec fuel at shell cira £10, Once the light comes on it misses its tits off until the tems are up. a tank of V cures it
Cheers, makes me feel better but after driving her last night I just want it sorting now to be honest.
FFS don't take it to Renault. They'll tell you it needs a complete new fuel system including tank, pump, lines, filter & injectors, and a new engine just to be safe. Oh and a new exhaust. While you're there, they'll do a free sfatey check and inform you that all your discs and pads need replacing.
Odds are the car will be fine. If you're really concerned then get one of the known specialists to have a look? At least you know their eyes aren't going to roll around with pound signs in the back like a fruit machine when they hear your story.
Thanks, but I use and trust my local Renault dealer and I aint no mug so they wont be ripping me off for any parts. All I want is a diag so I know what I'm facing, any parts that need replacing I will be doing myself.
i'd just keep fillin in up an givin it some beens till it gets low then do the same. it'll be fine, i used to run a few cars on mixed fuel. at least once a week someone would do it in the station next to my old garage. i used to get all the fuel out an stick some in mine an put a few quid of unleaded in it.
This is what the RAC man said but to be honest I didn't want to be doing more harm than good.
I'd be more concerned about the fueling system and the engine internals, I'd probably do a compression test. Fairly certain it wouldnt do anything to the plugs/leads even if it did then a set isnt going to set you back much.
Definitely wouldn't take it to a main dealer either!
I checked the plugs/leads etc for my own piece of mind, not because I thought dodgy fuel would affect them. I just wanted to take them out of the equation - a process of elimination.
It doesnt sound happy, are you sure its defo dodgy fuel, and not an oxy sensor problem!?
Could just be a coinsidence?? (sp) Is there any local garage you trust to do a diag check without paying renault £80?!
We will check it for you but it's a long drive in a poorly car!
Thanks for your invaluable advice Steve, I really wish you were closer as you'd have the car already, but in the state she is I doubt she'd make the near 3 hour journey. :dapprove:
I'm not at all confident that it's the fuel at fault, this is only based on what the RAC man said. Emissions warning light is on now but that's from all the crap being kicked out surely?
Since he reset it on Sunday the light hadn't been on.
I presume you're talking about the pre-cat O2 sensor Steve?
I wouldn't use any of my local garages to be honest, not for a diagnostics anyway. It's booked in at Renault on Friday.
Spoke to the filling station today and they're not admitting responsibility, as expected. Apparently I'm the only customer with any issues and the fuel was delivered to them on the 7th of December.