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NW at the Swinging Bridge. Thursday 1st July at 7pm

  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Hey guys, its about time we did another pub meet so to try and get more than the Bury team out I'm thinking the Swinging Bridge across from the Trafford Centre.

Meet there at 7pm and get a beer/food and have a bit of banter then maybe move onto Trafford Park after for some photo's or something depending on how people feel?

If your up for it, put your name down..

1) Kneel


ClioSport Club Member
1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
7) Jamie

Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
7) Jamie
8) Cookson

Might have some of this. Anyone bringing a decent camera down?
  audi a6 3.0tdi
UMM don't mean to piss on the parade but there is a classic ford meet there that day (every other thursday) and for the past couple of times i've been they have filled the car park so there might not even be places to park.

i'd be up for this meet just think you might struggle there
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Sounds like even better reason to go tbh, classic fords are awesome. If we cant get in then there are plenty of other pubs nearby Im sure.
  audi a6 3.0tdi
There are plenty of epic cars turn up normally its just prking may be an issue i'm sure something will be sorted as you said there are plenty of other places to go
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
we'll worry about it if we're stuck haha. Can always go somewhere else for food/drinks :) Are you going in the rally car then?
  Fiesta ST3
il try be there guys, my first ever meet :)

1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
7) Jamie
8) Cookson
9) ^Jonff^
10) bigup
  AG 200 cup
ill probably come hopefully the last meet in my 1.2

1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
7) Jamie
8) Cookson
9) ^Jonff^
10) bigup
11) boffey


North West
ClioSport Area Rep
i am up for this might be 10mins late i ll try my best to be on time any1 got a post code???? for the pub

1) Kneel
2) f0xy
3) Jon
4) mat-nos
5) lbrench in my new car ;)
6) sofaboy
7) Jamie
8) Cookson
9) ^Jonff^
10) bigup
11) boffey
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I've been purposefully avoiding project threads as I cant tinker with either of my cars at the moment and its depressing :(
