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ObliTARate - the reviews thread

This thread is here for all of our customers and members of the product test panel to submit reviews, pictures and discuss our tar and glue remover, ObliTARate.

An overview of ObliTARate:

Watch tar and glue residues get ObliTARate, Auto Finesse style! Auto Finesse ObliTARate’s strong, solvent-based formula quickly dissolves contamination on contact, removing even the most stubborn tar and glue residues without damaging the underlying finish.

ObliTARate is perfect for removing bitumen tar, rubber residues, glue, and adhesive from decals, vehicle wraps, paint protection films, and wheel weights. Its strong solvent-based formula starts to dissolve contamination on contact, virtually eliminating the need for multiple applications, or damage from harsh ‘tar sponges’ and scrubbing pads.

Why use a dedicated tar & glue remover?

Often over looked, the removal of tar with a solvent based tar and glue remover is a crucial stage when decontaminating your vehicles paintwork, wheels and chassis. The use of ObliTARate during the decontamination stage will remove a large amount of road tar and rubber prior to claying the vehicle with either a clay bar or other clay media. In turn this will help minimise the chances of marring your paint finish during the claying stage which could later help you down the line when it comes to polishing your paintwork.

Application of ObliTARate:

As with any decontamination stage, ensure that your vehicle is fully washed down to remove any light surface contaminants before you start with ObliTARate.


Here we’re using ObliTARate with one of our clear mini triggers to apply ObliTARate to the surface, however you can also apply ObliTARate via a microfibre cloth. This method is perfect for when you need to perform spot decontamination in specific areas.



ObliTARate at work:

Immediately you will see ObliTARate start to brake down the bond between the road tar and your paintwork. As the excess product runs down the surface it safely carries away the detached residue from the tar spots. This bleeding process is what makes ObliTARate a visually great product to use.



The wipe down:

Finally its time to remove the last bits of tar and rubber left on your paintwork with a microfibre cloth. Simply wipe across the surface in one motion to remove the last tar and rubber. Be sure to put this microfibre aside so you don’t use it later on in the detail, as once the tar has dried out it can add serious defects to your paint finish.



Top tip:

A final top tip for tar and glue removal is the use of cotton make-up pads of a concentrated area. Simply add ObliTARate to the cotton make-up pad and apply to the surface. The pad with then hold to the area ensuring a concentrate amount work one area. This is perfect for larger tar spots a glue residue removal.

We look forward to hearing and seeing your experiences with ObliTARate and results it leaves for you…
I have used ObliTARate to remove glue left behind when I Debadged a few cars and it's great! I also reversed into a bin and it left black plastic marks all down my paint that obliterate literally wiped straight off after it wouldn't come off with anything. I like it!
How would people rate Oblitarate against tardis?

Ill need to order some tar remover soon so im willing to try this out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
How would people rate Oblitarate against tardis?

Ill need to order some tar remover soon so im willing to try this out.

Ive used both extensively and much prefer oblitarate. Just seems to cut into the glue/tar much quicker. Also felt tardis left a residue when I used it
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Can't say that there was too much difference in the performance when compared with tardis, just the price but I can't justify stocking 5l of any products other than shampoo and maybe QD
  FF Racing Blue 182
this stuff is great, the tar just melts and a simple wipe off to remove. unfortunately i crushed my bottle by accident.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Well I used this today. And I can safely say this is the best I've used for tar/glue removal. Works really quickly and it doesn't leave residue after removal.

I had some left over tar in the boot on my damaged area so I tackled that, I gave it a spray over and left to soak for a minute or 2 then simply wiped it off, so the tar was so soft it just wiped straight off no problem!

Video of tar spot on wheel. It was quite a big/thick spot and I was really surprised it worked so quickly. No residue left on the wheel once it was wiped either!

And another video of a thick tar spot in the boot.

Videos show it off alot better than photos so I figured they would be appreciated a little more.

10/10 for me really. I'll need to buy a full sized bottle at some point!


ClioSport Admin
TARdis vs obliTARate

Not the best base to work with as the car was pretty clean but here's an application and dwelling review.


Tried and tested TARdis on the drivers side


ObliTARate on the passanger side


I'm not sure whether it was the different nozzle on the sample or what but obliTARate seemed to cling a lot more on initial application. It also smelled a lot more like turpentine than TARdis. Different base maybe?


It didn't want to run and cover the panel either



Rinsed off.

It seems TARdis did a better job at stripping the old protection as it ruined the finish whereas the oblitarated side seemed to bead and repel water better. Semi LSP safe tar remover?


The car was then iron x'd and washed to remove any excess product to see if the clay picked up anything the tar removers missed.

Nothing from the tardis'd side.


One yellow streak from the oblitarated side.


I don't think this is conclusive though as the TARdis could've easily missed one particle.

My thoughts based on this are; obliTARate is less willing to run, requiring more sprays to cover the panel. It dwells as long as TARdis. It doesn't seem to remove LSP as well as TARdis.

I'll do another review when I get a chance to give my car a once over as I'm sure it'll be easier to catch the tar dissolving than on the above dark Beamer.

And a pre polish pic of the decontaminated front end.


cheers :)
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
On heavily contaminated cars, after leaving it dwell spray your tar remover onto a microfibre applicator and wipe down the panel. Makes a huge difference.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Hi guys, hope I'm not late on this one, I've just been busy recently! In all honesty I feel like a let down this time around. I have some before pictures here...

After that, I tried to capture some pictures of ObliTARate in action, but tbh this is all I could get...



All I can say is that I have a big old drive coming up this weekend so after that, and before my next wash, I'll give it another good soaking as I have around 50% of the bottle left and hopefully I can come up with some better pictures and a more detailed review! Sorry again, and I'm sure you know by my reviews in other threads I usually come up with better results than this lol.
@Auto Finesse guys, I've been massively pushed for time this last five weeks and thus haven't reviewed it. I washed the car and used it yesterday, but again, pushed for time. What's the latest I can get this review up to stay on the testing panel, as very keen to stay part of this. Many thanks, Jamie
Thanks to Auto finesse for the latest sample.

Had some old wheel weight sticky pads left behind from re balancing so Oblitarate was an ideal candidate for this.


washed the wheels thoroughly first


Sprayed oblitarate genorously onto the offending area and left to dwell on a wet wheel for 10mins



used a deep pile damp microfibre and a little bit of pressure and the sticky pads came away very easy (impressive)


Second test

Had a tar spot on the exhaust so put 2 pumps onto a damp microfibre and rubbed it of very easily.




Also had the stubborn black sticky stuff on the exhaust tip which i sprayed some obliterate on left a few mins then wiped off good as new.




Smuged bit of tar on bumper one pump on damp cloth again and agitate slightly then wipe away.



Oblitarate is a must have product and works really well. thanks again Auto finesse ;)
@Auto Finesse guys, I've been massively pushed for time this last five weeks and thus haven't reviewed it. I washed the car and used it yesterday, but again, pushed for time. What's the latest I can get this review up to stay on the testing panel, as very keen to stay part of this. Many thanks, Jamie

Hi Jamie,

The 13th is the latest so that gives you this weekend to submit, and any issues drop me a PM.

  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
Not sure what happened there but anyway..

In-fitting with the new DVLA legislation I thought I would base this months review on the removal of my tax disc.

For some reason, the previous owner decided to bond the tax disc holder to the dashboard using sticky Velcro pads. Knowing these would leave a lovely sticky residue I set ObliTARate to work.

The tax disc holder is question..

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Removing the holder from Velcro displayed this..

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

After picking at the Velcro for a while I finally managed to remove it leaving this sticky mess..

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Out came the ObliTARate at this stage.

Rather than spraying it directly to the dash, I decided to spray the chemical onto a AF soft cotton applicator and applied it to the area in question.

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

After letting it work it's magic for a few minutes, I wiped the area over with a clean MF cloth.

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Finally, I gave the dash a quick wipe over with AF Spritz which left me with this..

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AutoFinesse ObliTARate Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

All residue removed leaving a perfect finish.

Overall, ObliTARate is an excellent product! Very easy use and works quickly & effectively leaving a perfect finish every time, which is why it's my preferred tar and glue remover on the market.

Keep up the good work guys!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Right so carrying on from my earlier post, I tried to have another whack at this seeing as though it was the final day to get our reviews in. I've got to say, this product just hasn't worked that well for me... I hope you don't mind me being honest! I think though, it's probably due to my lack of miles I'm putting on the car, I just don't have anything that tough that really requires the kind of power behind ObliTARate. I still have 1/3 of the bottle left so will keep it for another time when I (hopefully) will get a chance to get it put to the test more throughly.

Anyway, here's a few more images I managed to get of it working away on the limited dirt I aquired since last time lol...





ClioSport Club Member
  Sunflower Ph1
Firstly thank yo for another product to test and secondly appologises for the late submission @Auto Finesse
Bit of a short reviewfrustratinly i only decontaminated the car a few weeks prior to this arriving, even after a drive to Snowdon and back there was no visable tar on the paint availble to test,

so another of obliTARate's party trick is a sticky stuff remover, ive had a couple of stickers on the car that i had been putting off removing, despite the great season Valentino Rossi is having its time to take off the tributes to him as are past their best, likewise i still had the original alarm/immobilsor sticker on the drivers window that too was past its best,
we went from this,

to this with the help of a small blade, as you can see leaving alot of residue behind.

a quick squirt onto a microfibre and literally 2 wipes and crystal clear again.






Drivers window


A bit of a tricky product to review if you only have the 1 test subject availble, which poor timing was tar free.

il defiantely revist this review in the future with a further update

thanks again and promise reviews will be back to their normal level next month.



ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Is this product ok to use as a dash board degreaser?

I have a few oily fingerprint marks on my dash :(
  Phase 1 sport
Been using this for a while now and its great. Used it for removing the tar residue after scraping off the sound deadening in my ph1. works a treat.
