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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***


Hi bitches. X

I will (possibly) be available at CSS to sign autographs, please form an orderly queue.

Had a good night on Black Ops tonight, ON MY f**king OWN YOU BUNCH OF c***s. I think it was made better as I couldn't hear AK's ramblings.


  Bus w**ker
I should be on again tonight (Greg I'll tweet you to make you feel popular), really getting in to my stealth class at the minute and going for pro perks. The amount of people that must run around depending totally on the mini map is insane, I followed one person for a good couple of minutes in one game and he never once turned around.
  57 Clio Campus Sport
I keep going on but don't see people on. Apart from AK "Forza Motorsport 3 - Crashing into stuff on Fujimi Kaido"

@Sym0n do you play Team Deathmatch/have maps?


If I'm on and there's more than one other person on COD I'll play. I'm easy and prefer playing with the masses than myself.
  Bus w**ker
I keep going on but don't see people on. Apart from AK "Forza Motorsport 3 - Crashing into stuff on Fujimi Kaido"

@Sym0n do you play Team Deathmatch/have maps?


Yes mate, although I'll play pretty much any game mode now I'm not too fussed. Only time I won't take up an invite is if I'm already in a party, watching something or if it's from AK.
I'll be on shortly, just finishing flirting with AK first.

I initially read that as "I'll be on shortly, just finishing off with AK" :eek: ooooh sir...

Ill be on tomorrow evening, ready to ruin all your guys fun through my pikeyness of only having 1 map pack, my superior (not superior) connection and being a massive roid 'ead.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
tried hardcore s and d the other night on this and was pwning as usual. first game killed 5 and got a care package then start of the second game i called my package in to which three people stood under it and it killed me to which these guys thought they were hilarious so next game i changed to my fast class and killed 3three enemy team straight off then the 3 dudes who nicked my care package then my other team mates and the rest of the enemy. so i ended up killing everyone. lol i said im gonna do that every game until you leave and ive reported you for cheating and saved the game of you doing it. c***s
typical treyarch putting something in to ruin it. 100% record, there good like.
  Bus w**ker
Will be on when I've finished playing with Photoshop, which I'd be done with much quicker if AK stopped trying to chat me up.
  Bus w**ker
Right my actions are all fucked and I canna be arsed to sit in front my PC all night fixing them, so f**k it I'm coming on now.


ClioSport Club Member
C*nt. At least I didn't have any points to lose in that game.

I'm still the f*cking knife master. :eek:

That tomahawk taking Harpham down from first was amazing. I'm going to record and post the one I got on Mike from distance later.
  Bus w**ker
Going from first to sixth, getting backrupt five times and still finishing first was impressive (and really f**king flukey lol).
