I think updates are free for six months, then £50 a year for updates.
You have to regsister your unit on the Origin website, to be able to download updates. The B2 unit keeps track of when your subscription expires.
The GPS (sat Nav) unit is a small black square attached to miles of cable, which plugs into the cradle unit of the B2. You get loads of cable, enough to position it anywhere in the clio.
When you start the car, the B2 unit displays like an eight bar, bar graph, which shows signal strength and the number of sats its locked onto. First time you use the unit it takes about five minutes to register and achieve a lock on the sats, after that, it only takes about thirty seconds from starting the car.
The best place i found to position the GPS was by the rear pacel shelf, and the cable can easily be tucked under the door trims.