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[PC/ Consoles] Crysis 2 Official Thread

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
^ Yeah it opens up after an hour or two of play, apparently.

Traded in 3 games for it.

Will be playing later.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I got quite far on it today, it's definitely a different game to Crysis, you do feel like your shoe-horned down a particular path, whereas in the original whilst you did have an objective the landscape was essentially open and explorable. I was thinking that once this came out I wouldn't touch Crysis again, but tbh I'm now looking at Crysis 2 as an entirely different game and can easily still see myself playing the first. That said, the environment and atmosphere in this new one is probably so far for me it's greatest asset, that and the vastly improved enemy interaction.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm f*cking loving this.

Stealth it behind a barrier, then maximum armour the f*ck out of the gimps you sneaked up on.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Installing now. My mate has played 6 hours and is loving it too.

Also, 360 > PC and PS3 for this game apparently. Good good.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I don't see how it's better on 360 than PC. The graphics ARE better on the PC and the controller arguement doesn't count as it can easily be used with PC (I have one but actually are prefering the mouse & keyboard for this)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I don't see how it's better on 360 than PC. The graphics ARE better on the PC and the controller arguement doesn't count as it can easily be used with PC (I have one but actually are prefering the mouse & keyboard for this)

No idea buddy. Just going off media comments mainly.
  Evo 5 RS
graphics are average, the 3D is s**t, it's linear... I'm trying so hard to like it.

f**k this I'm going to go work on the car


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, it's getting boring now.

So linear and repetitive after playing it for a few hours.

The core of the game feels like COD's campaign. Follow this waypoint and kill stuff on the way, albeit you have options in Crysis.

The multiplayer is shockingly bad too.

I'll be trading this for L.A Noire next month.
Well I was going to get this, as I'm ill and cant do bugger all else. sounds like its the same shitty disappointment as the first game. Go this....go that.

I don't think any FPS can top Fallout tbh.

Oh well....
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
it's definitely a bit meh, but the good thing about PC is it cost me little over £20 (for the game anyway) flol.
Lol @ RPG's being compared to FPS. What are people expecting, it's an FPS.

Killzone 3 + Move + Sharpshooter Rifle + 50" 3D Plasma = Win
Gareth, can the nanosuit still be controlled from the mouse?

Middle wheel press to activate menu, then move mouse to select mode?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Yes that's right Roy.

I'm probably 50% through now, its very, very good. But at the same time, a rather different game to the original.
Thanks. I got the impression from something I'd read/seen, that the nanosuit modes were only selectable as key maps. Glad to see it still works like the first game in that regard.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Thanks. I got the impression from something I'd read/seen, that the nanosuit modes were only selectable as key maps. Glad to see it still works like the first game in that regard.

the game itself does direct you to use keys for everything, but it can still be done using the mouse in exactly the same way.


ClioSport Club Member
Literally just completed this.
Its ok. Not too bad, but doesnt feel as well made as the first.

I found a few bugs throughout that made the game rather annoying to play. Such as getting shot at behind cover, the bullet trails come through the wall or whatever you are stood behind. I found it impossible to sneak around when one of those big alien robots are around, I cannot remember the name of it.. As it would just EMP all the time, depleating the suits energy. When you do finally get out of cover and scurry away, it would start shooting you, despite being cloaked!

Other than that I think the gameplay was 100% improved over the first.

Storyline feels a little rushed, and isnt quite as involving as the first. Seems to go off on a tangent compared to the events in Crysis.

Not sure if anyone else noticed, but there were also some similarities to other games in there. Such as..

Jacob Hargreve living in a tube, the same as Mr. House in Fallout: NV. Just something that struck me as being very similar.

There were some more but I cannot think of them at the moment.

Also, is it just me, or have they used a different voice for Prophet? He sounds different!

It would also have been nice to know what happened to Nomad and Psycho.

Apart from that though. It kept me entertained for a few days :D, not a bad buy!!
What astounds me is the continuing comments about the original game being linear and boring. They clearly suffered from the well know 'the game lets you play it badly' problem, which I have read Crysis 2 is also guilty of. Played properly, fully explored and using the nanosuit to full advantage, it was the most diverse shooter I've ever played. That and Far Cry 2 are probably the most non-linear FPS on the market. I do fully expect the sequel to be linear, but all shooters are really. I don't understand why people buy them and then complain about it. I rarely hear the same criticism levelled at CoD, which is possibly the most linear and scripted shooter experience ever designed.

I'll be in a better position to form a proper opinion when I've played it, but from everything I'm reading so far (outside of it delivers, as a shooter, which is what it is. PMSL at the comparison to Fallout. Fallout is TERRIBLE at being a shooter, because it really isn't one.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
What astounds me is the continuing comments about the original game being linear and boring. They clearly suffered from the well know 'the game lets you play it badly' problem, which I have read Crysis 2 is also guilty of. Played properly, fully explored and using the nanosuit to full advantage, it was the most diverse shooter I've ever played. That and Far Cry 2 are probably the most non-linear FPS on the market. I do fully expect the sequel to be linear, but all shooters are really. I don't understand why people buy them and then complain about it. I rarely hear the same criticism levelled at CoD, which is possibly the most linear and scripted shooter experience ever designed.

I'll be in a better position to form a proper opinion when I've played it, but from everything I'm reading so far (outside of it delivers, as a shooter, which is what it is. PMSL at the comparison to Fallout. Fallout is TERRIBLE at being a shooter, because it really isn't one.

As said before - the main issue I had with the original Crysis (which really should have been fixed in a patch) is the number of hits needed to kill at mid-to-long range - especially with the FY71 rifle. I did a FRAPS clip once where switching to single shot mode, I fired 16 shots at a mid-range enemy - 14 of which hit and the 14th round finally dropped him. At first I thought it was the body-armour wearing Koreans that were taking a lot of hits - but at times it's simply a khaki shirt-wearing minion. Silly, really.

Yeah it was sometimes an issue, but TBF I'm a headshot man so it was rarely a massive problem for me. It was changed in Warhead.

I agree though it was a downside to the game. None are perfect. Crysis pushed the boundaries so far ahead of what anything had done before it, that I forgave the odd problem willingly. People forget too easily. Those physics and graphics were literally (as it turned out) years ahead of their time. Complacency FTL.


ClioSport Club Member
What astounds me is the continuing comments about the original game being linear and boring. They clearly suffered from the well know 'the game lets you play it badly' problem, which I have read Crysis 2 is also guilty of. Played properly, fully explored and using the nanosuit to full advantage, it was the most diverse shooter I've ever played. That and Far Cry 2 are probably the most non-linear FPS on the market. I do fully expect the sequel to be linear, but all shooters are really. I don't understand why people buy them and then complain about it. I rarely hear the same criticism levelled at CoD, which is possibly the most linear and scripted shooter experience ever designed.

I'll be in a better position to form a proper opinion when I've played it, but from everything I'm reading so far (outside of it delivers, as a shooter, which is what it is. PMSL at the comparison to Fallout. Fallout is TERRIBLE at being a shooter, because it really isn't one.

I was in no way saying it was bad!

Its a good game! Gameplay wise is feking awesome.

The AI is absolutely superb IMO. Probably should have said that in my other post as well.

Its a good game. I just get the feeling whilst playing it that is has been rushed a little. Not sure if you will feel the same way. But in Comparison to Crysis it feels rushed, but is better in so many other ways!

I tried my upmost to full explore what I could see. As a hint to everyone, when it says "Tactical Options Available", use them! I only started using them towards the end of the game, when I really should have done it from the off.

Definitely having another playthough. And graphically it ran smooth as silk on my GTX470!

Might start it now actually, what else is there to do on Sunday nights :dapprove:
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
The original was a lot more open, you could at times make your own way and navigate the environment by your own path, but in this one its a very narrow path which you follow.
This is the first PC game I've ever completed , 8hrs 45 minutes (on recruit mind), so I guess thats a good thing. Felt a bit go here, do that, get really close, something goes wrong, repeat x 10 but I'm sure there are a few bits I'll go back and play on harder modes.

GTX 470 handled it nicely, am sure I'll abuse the multi player mode more than the game now.
I think I will love this, but also be disappointed at the same time. It's obviously not as good as the original in scope, or as technically challenging, but so long as the shooting mechanics are awesome, and it's great fun, it will please me. Not really sure what else people expect when they buy a shooter. There are only two I can think of that could genuinely make any half realistic claims at being non-linear. Shooters are not free roaming. If they were, they wouldn't work.
  Bus w**ker
Damn it, I was about to order this...right up until I read that it got boring quick and that MP sucks ass. Boo.


ClioSport Club Member
I think I will love this, but also be disappointed at the same time. It's obviously not as good as the original in scope, or as technically challenging, but so long as the shooting mechanics are awesome, and it's great fun, it will please me. Not really sure what else people expect when they buy a shooter. There are only two I can think of that could genuinely make any half realistic claims at being non-linear. Shooters are not free roaming. If they were, they wouldn't work.

Surprisingly enough. I found this more technically challenging than the first.
I never really used the first nanosuit for much in Crysis, power jumping and a bit of stealth here and there.
But in number 2 you are pretty much forced to, as otherwise you will get swamped with aliens coming at you from all directions if you are not careful!

Armour mode is pretty immense for when it gets heated or you are very very low on health, provides that extra few seconds of life to allow you to kill those alien b*****ds.

Stealth is very good also, but you can easily get seen if you get too close with the enemy looking at you.

Didnt really use power mode, again the power jump, but didnt feel the need to go around power kicking cars or large objects.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm still enjoying it, although TBF I'm hardly that far into it, yet. Started off a bit meh, but the more I've played, the more I've got into it.

I've heard the guy saying tactical options available, but what does that mean? There is more than 1 way to progress?
