UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Played a 1500 ticket match, took 96 minutes, FFS, lol.
On which map?
Played a 1500 ticket match, took 96 minutes, FFS, lol.
Used that RPK LMG last night, didn't think too much of it tbh, prefer the M240B.
M240B + Extended Mags + Bipod + Grand Bazaar/Operation Metro = Multi Kill heaven.
LMG gimps piss me off. Sat on the ground, four miles away with your bipod out and trigger welded down.
Just came off another 96 minute game of CQ.
f**k me, mental.
Yup. We'll break a 100 minute match this week.
I'm quite bored of levelling now I've got to Colonel. Takes ages.
There was a guy on the opposing team in one of my matches who was on Rank 98. He was half decent. KILL3R PRIEST or something.
Yup. We'll break a 100 minute match this week.
I'm quite bored of levelling now I've got to Colonel. Takes ages.
Big ticket matches are awesome! So easy to rank up on, 40-60k each round! It takes me 230k for each rank now! Level 75 (45+30)
F*ck. Me.
Are you single?
Missus plays BF3 too on her PS3 lol shes level 20+ with a kd of 4 lol
Big ticket matches are awesome! So easy to rank up on, 40-60k each round! It takes me 230k for each rank now! Level 75 (45+30)
What sorta play time is that level?
f**k that. I thought I was bad at 5 days.
Missus plays BF3 too on her PS3 lol shes level 20+ with a kd of 4 lol
You were. Can't remember how many days I played BC2 for. It was a lot.
It's so much better now without the USAS/Frag combo.
My trusty F2000 doesn't seem to be too much different. Had a few cracking matches last night and one shocker.
I just can't play Engineer. Switched back to Medic and turned it around.
The Stinger takes the piss. You have to climb a building and jump onto the jet you're targeting to get a lock. I'm assuming there's no other way.
F*cking useless.
321 hours.
13 days.
13 f**king days.
Sad c**t.
Better if a squad member has the SOFLAM. You don't have to worry about getting a lock then, it's already done.
I switch between Assault/Engineer/Support depending on map. For Operation Metro and Siene, it's usually Support now. You can rake in the points with supplies.
FLOL, yeah, that's true.
I bought Vietnam then no one played it.
When's Close Quarters out?
Yeah, unfortunately no one in our squad plays Recon.
Me: Assault Medic
Chris: Engineer
Seb: Support
AK: Play Recon you big mong.
I can see it being frag/ shotgun mental.