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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Not IMO. "Straight pull bolt" means that you dont have to scope out and lose your target on the bolt-action guns like the SV98. Much more useful than a Bipod.
  Two 0 Shitx
I dunno what's happening, was really bad last night, i'd see a guy quite far away and put 3 mags into him barely hitting him then i just hear click click click and i'm dead, no way can you be that accurate from where we were with an assault rifle.
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
One tip I could offer anybody in this game that is struggling is not to get involved in long range fire fights, unless you are a sniper. It is guaranteed to get you popping up on the mini map and draw attention to you. By the time people have fired of two mags and killed the guy trying to do the same to you, you could have killed three guys in CQC.
Sound advice Craigus. When I first started out, I was getting in long distance fire fights and drawing a lot of attention to myself. Then decided to sack that off and get involved in the thick of things at the objectives etc and am finding it much more fun/rewarding.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL been guilty of that a few times. Seeing a little soldier running about 3 miles away from my location so I take pot shots at him with my Super Soaker 3000. It only leads to one of countless negative outcomes, usually being :

1. The guy takes no damage and you get shot in the head by 3 guys who have spotted you in the open running around with your gun flapping at nothing.
2. The guy who you are taking shots at is a sniper, takes one aim and blows your head off while you're still firing spud pellets at him.
3. Basically, you die.
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
It is very tempting to be honest, especially coming from playing lots of COD. Suddenly on a huge map you just want to try to shoot everyone.

If you are like me, and enjoy a game so much more when you are good at it, and if you are into first person shooters, and want to improve your game, although it is incredibly nerdy, this is some very good advice from a "pro gamer" which helps with understanding how to use certain weapons, and when to engage targets.

If you want to become a better player, you need to push the envelope of what you're used to. I love the new DICE assignments because they are forcing everyone to play with weapons they might not to unlock new items. If you want to push your own abilities, I challenge you to the following:

- Equip the 870MCS on Metro or Grand Bazaar. Never stop running, for any reason, even to shoot or reload. 1 round.

- Equip only the M320 on Canals or Grand Bazzar with extra 40mm perk. Shoot at everything that moves in a window or against a wall. If you run out of ammo, suicide yourself. 1 round.

- Pick your favorite non-sniper rifle. Put it on single shot. 2 rounds.

- Equip the F2000. Put a laser on it. You are not allowed to do anything but hip shoot. 1 round.

- Equip the ASVAL. Play until you kill at least 7 in a row only using the ASVAL. If you die or use any other weapon, start over with the count.

- Equip your fav pistol. Play until you kill at least 5 in a row only using the pistol. If you die or use any other weapon, start over with the count.

- Equip the biggest LMG you have. You are not allowed to fire it, as much as you are tempted. You can, however, stab people in the back with your knife. 2 rounds.

- After these are done, play your absolute best. Every kill counts. 3 rounds.

These challenges are all designed with very specific goals in mind. They are also all difficult and you should expect to die and be frustrated.

What it basically does is teach you that with certain weapons, you have to completely adjust your playstyle. If you can start to think it through in game it will help massively.


ClioSport Club Member
Craig, although I can see that it would definitely work to improve my game, f**k that! I don't have the patience or the temperament to do that, I'd have smashed my controller into a thousand pieces within 5 minutes
  1.8 Civic EX
it seems shotguns or the under-rail launcher jobs are now the new "in thing" on this game.

Do the shotguns have that stupid perk that they had on BC2 that made them better at long range than sniper rifles?
  Clio 1.2 16v
it seems shotguns or the under-rail launcher jobs are now the new "in thing" on this game.

Do the shotguns have that stupid perk that they had on BC2 that made them better at long range than sniper rifles?

They do but are nowhere near as powerfull at longe range. The reason they are overused is because you can get a frag ammo perk which is basically a noob tube. That equipped on the USAS12 is carnage.
  Clio 1.2 16v
Is the bipod something I need to unlock?

Yes but i cant remember how many kills you need to unlock it. It's not too many though.

Once you get used to the range then you can use your straight pull bolt.

9/10 though you come up against useless snipers who dont move about so for me the pull bolt isn't usefull. I just quickly scope out and in againg after firing and adjust my aim


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Shotguns are very good on the smaller maps, they are still pants at long range the way it should be.

I've been levelling up a lot better with CQC and the shotgun on team deathmatch.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm up for a group session on this tonight, I've got some of you added already (sym0n and Harpham for instance) but not all of you - my G/tag is BobbyBoRegis if there's space for me to tag along!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Going to watch the footie I think. Really fancy a game aswell.

We'll get a blast tomorrow night if a few of us are on.

Need a good few hours at it.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I need to buy a cable for my Trittons so they work on the 360, ffs.

Stuck with the peasant oem 360 headset, utter s**t.
