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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
What are your usernames mate?

I'll go on at some point, looked at my bf3 stats i've played about ~1 hour ever so go easy haha.


Although I'll add you as mine's slightly awkward to put in, I'm usually on with Dredz and Gman too.
  Two 0 Shitx
Anyone struggling to get online? Mine has been saying "failed to join game please check your internet connection" since i got it but works on and off, can't get on at all now...


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, there were only ten hardcore servers for the entire planet last night. 90% were down for 'scheduled maintenance'


ClioSport Club Member
I love this game, it's so rewarding when things are going well, but sooo annoying when someones spawn raping your jets etc. There are lots of things that could be improved but it really is an epic game. People that don't play as a team and to the objectives is probably the most annoying. I mean, what's the point - fcuk off and play cod!


ClioSport Club Member
Has anyone else noticed a change this past week? For the last 6-8 weeks 80% of my games have been wins but this past week I cannot get a decent game, lose lose lose constantly. My play style has not changed, i'm sure there is an influx of cod run and gun f**k whits that have sold MW3. No offence AK ;)
  Two 0 Shitx
I just wish the shooting wasn't so shite, especially sniper, how are you supposed to level up when the gun takes 5 hits for a kill?


ClioSport Club Member
I just wish the shooting wasn't so s**te, especially sniper, how are you supposed to level up when the gun takes 5 hits for a kill?

Just looked at your stats, your still on the fist sniper rifle aren't you? Keep with it, that first gun is shocking. When you get the SV98 you'll fly through.
  Two 0 Shitx
I've not really been snipering mate but just had a go then, first i had to find the range then when i actually hit the c**t he started running and i couldn't find the range and hit him whilst he's moving but i did hit him again, so that's twice and the little c**t ran behind a rock! Was pissed because i spent atleast 2 mintues trying to hit the c**t then when i hit him he doesn't die!


ClioSport Club Member
You'll only get a kill with one shot if you get a headshot. I use the M98b and if I miss the headshot it takes another hit to kill them. I did join you earlier but I hate conquest so quit again lol
  Two 0 Shitx
Ah didn't see you, i've had a couple of headshots but not many! Getting the groove a bit now, the attacking rifle is alot better than the defending one. I was on Rush btw...
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