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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
You rekon 1.5 meg is enough for Xbox live?

Got my wireless adaptor back so tried hookin her up but keep getting "can't find ip address" or something.

Away this weekend but fingers crossed I'll be back next week.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Sweet mother of god!

On, on Sunday night hopefully.
If I can get it to f**king connect.


Played on a mates last weekend and got the taste for it again.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Haha the modem isn't mine. I'm trying to set it up in secret too so I can't do it until they're out the f**king c***s.


  Clio 172 Cup
I seem to be having issues with that lol!!! I kind get on with any of my few unlocked guns!! (thats my excuse!).

Get the extra maps and you can do assignments to unlock weapons.

The first assignment on assault is easy and unlocks the Famas. Get a few kills with this to unlock the red dot sight/holo sight and the x6 scope and you'll be putting people down all day long.

Also on the Bazaar in conquest, run around the buildings taking the market and the square. By the time you take the second they've usually recaptured the first. A few Laos doing this will see your points rocketing.


  Clio 172 Cup
You rekon 1.5 meg is enough for Xbox live?

Got my wireless adaptor back so tried hookin her up but keep getting "can't find ip address" or something.

Away this weekend but fingers crossed I'll be back next week.

I'm using a MiFi adaptor on 3G and everything runs smooth so 1.5 should be plenty.

It only gets jumpy if the weather takes a savage nose dive and my signal starts going crazy.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I'm using a MiFi adaptor on 3G and everything runs smooth so 1.5 should be plenty.

It only gets jumpy if the weather takes a savage nose dive and my signal starts going crazy.

Cheers mate.

Will try set it properly on Sunday.

Mifi adaptor? You using a dongle?


  Clio 172 Cup
Yes mate MiFi adaptor from 3. You can connect a couple of wireless devices to it to share the connection and sit it on your windowsill.

I've usually got my Xbox, phone and laptop on it.

Plus you can take it anywhere which is good because I travel a lot between home and work.

£20 a month for a 15Gb limit per month and I've not hit the limit yet.


  Clio 172 Cup
Here you go bud:

Works off the phone network so I was sceptical about the speed as where I work has fairly poor coverage but it gets better signal than my iPhone does and performs a lot better than a dongle even on 3G. HSPA+ is like having a low level broadband connection.

Four or five lads where I live/work through the week use it for Xbox/streaming p**n and they love it!!

Awesome piece of kit if you're on the move a lot, or even to take into work for break times.


ClioSport Club Member
Just got a 962m headshot :)

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer

Just had to make up a new ip address for my Xbox and manually enter it.

So happy.

Swapping COD back with a work mate tomorrow so I'll be on after the gym.

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Returned to this last night. Got my ass handed to me several times. The problem was I'm rank 14 and although I was decent enough with BC2 after the almighty hours I ploughed in, I'm still relatively new to this and the maps. The matchmaking was mental - being put up against Rank 50+ guys who were clearly working in teams was like walking into a minefield. That was in normal mode too, as I joined a game that my mate was in. Ended up in the opposing team. Refuse to play Rush, so Conquest for me.
  1.8 Civic EX
I still don't have a fav weapon yet. Just working through them getting up to 100 kills to get the service star then switching to another weapon. Will continue to do so untill I find one that I really like.

Had my first go on Rush yesterday with a couple off here, Christopher and AK I think? (Otterly Awesome?). Not so sure my Rambo approach did my k/d ratio any good but I managed to arm the M-Comm 5 times, 3 of which didn't get disarmed :)

Could have done with you guys reviving me though, a couple of times I was laying dead and you just ran on past lol


That's me :eek:.

It's sometime difficult when you're not in the party to tell us you need revived when we're trying to watch out for enemies/protect bases etc.
I need to get involved with you lot.

Whenever I play online I am put in a squad with a load of John Rambo c***s who think they can defeat the entire team single handed.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I want the G3 back.

I was a beast with that thing.

AK and Scutch will you be on tonight?

Played a mates at the weekend, was taking the flag at the bottom of the hill on Tehran high way (they spawn at the top) chanced an RPG from way back at the building people snipe down from.

It dropped onto the roof and got me a double kill. Was fuckin miles away.

Seriously epic.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
That's the problem. Finding the room.

I'm still pissed that there isn't an option to set up a server/room to house a group of friends to play. Like a private lobby.

Still, there should be a few hardcore servers that are practically empty to join. There was last night when I went on.

I don't have the cable from controller to headset so didn't have a mic either, yet I had this one guy in my squad last night who was sitting behind my location and going "Scoootchio. Scoootchio." in a foreign language. I'd guess Iraqi. Seriously. He was asking for ammo to begin with but then just sat through the rest of the game talking to me in a language I couldn't understand, "Scoootchio?"

Just f*ck off mate.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I want the G3 back.

I was a beast with that thing.

AK and Scutch will you be on tonight?

Played a mates at the weekend, was taking the flag at the bottom of the hill on Tehran high way (they spawn at the top) chanced an RPG from way back at the building people snipe down from.

It dropped onto the roof and got me a double kill. Was f**kin miles away.

Seriously epic.

Last unlock in CO-OP mode.. I wasnt that impressed with it in BF3 tbh! shame! loved it in BC2
That's the problem. Finding the room.

I'm still pissed that there isn't an option to set up a server/room to house a group of friends to play. Like a private lobby.

Still, there should be a few hardcore servers that are practically empty to join. There was last night when I went on.

I don't have the cable from controller to headset so didn't have a mic either, yet I had this one guy in my squad last night who was sitting behind my location and going "Scoootchio. Scoootchio." in a foreign language. I'd guess Iraqi. Seriously. He was asking for ammo to begin with but then just sat through the rest of the game talking to me in a language I couldn't understand, "Scoootchio?"

Just f*ck off mate.

