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[PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

  Fabia VRS
i did a quality piss take the other day !! i must have been running with him for at least the whole s&d game, he then planted the bomb and i killed t-bagged and defused... i was a happy man :D
  Tesla MP3 2021
Some of them are pish, the no scope? that was a bloody quick scope! lol.

Top 50 you say? (no life?) :rasp:

Yeah he has only started recording and uploading, he is working on his vids :)

Yeah top 50 lol, no life I know :rolleyes:
  E36 328
My ps3 stopped reading discs today :( just turned it on and wont read any discs????

I think what i will do tomorrow is call the warranty company and give them my mates serial number (mine is out of warranty) and then they will exchange it, had to exchange it before when it stopped working and they dont check serial numbers or anything when they swap so should be ok but does anyone know of any reason at all why this wouldnt work??


ClioSport Club Member
  182 FF
Just been watching Terminator 2, is it just me or is the shotgun Arnie is using an 1887 one?

I realised i was a geek when i noticed that:eek:


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I can't seem to use the scar with silencer, it throws my aim right off and doesn't do as much damage! :(
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I can't seem to use the scar with silencer, it throws my aim right off and doesn't do as much damage! :(

I prefer it with the silencer on :/. Found im doing alot better with it, scavenger pro is a must though with the ammount of ammo needed to kill someone is shocking!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Pmsl! Scar hold like 4 bullets without extra mags or scavenger, also claymores and scavenger rock.

You can only use 2 at a time iirc.
I was on S&D with the UMP and marathon and lightweight! What fun it is to get to places before the opposition and take nearly the whole team out!
  Fiesta ST-2
My ps3 stopped reading discs today :( just turned it on and wont read any discs????

I think what i will do tomorrow is call the warranty company and give them my mates serial number (mine is out of warranty) and then they will exchange it, had to exchange it before when it stopped working and they dont check serial numbers or anything when they swap so should be ok but does anyone know of any reason at all why this wouldnt work??

Happened to one of my PS3's just have to get a new one good thing is you can back up your files. I wasn't as lucky when the new one I received had the yellow light of death after a few months.... PS3's suck lol
  Bumder With A Buffer
If you get stuck I can repair it for you. If its out of warranty Sony carhge upwards of £120 I think to put a new laser in.

Id do it for £60 :) ;)
  Mito Sportiva 135
I prefer it with the silencer on :/. Found im doing alot better with it, scavenger pro is a must though with the ammount of ammo needed to kill someone is shocking!

SCAR with silencer, scavenger pro, stopping power pro and either ninja pro or commando pro is awesome on every level. Try it!
i finally got the 1887's the other day im racking up the kills with them thats for sure get it maxed out and will then leave them alone
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
M16 is still my fave gun, ak47 is pretty leathel aswell. Been playing on cod 4, don't know any maps but still getting lots of kills with less deaths. They love bloody sniping on that game though.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Wet work and the nuke leavel are awesome. Get a helicopter and you own every1. Lol they should import the maps onto mw2.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i've noticed that hell of allot of people seem to be going for knifes for easy kills, for eg a guy just standing there in front of you doing nowt.

what i have been doing is getting head shots, i think there much more valuable than knifing someone
  Bumder With A Buffer
i finally got the 1887's the other day im racking up the kills with them thats for sure get it maxed out and will then leave them alone

i dont like the 1887's, i really like the SPAS :star:

You noob geddes the 1887 is awesome! Akimbo = win!!

In fact there was a bug with the 1887's in that they were silly powerful over a large distance...I don't know if that's been patched yet but I miss the 1887 :(
  Clio 182
Some people are really stupid, played Estate earlier on....... sat aiming at someone and ran out of bullets, this guy just looks at me, takes a shot and starts walking away...... im running after him, inside the house, hes facing me and still refuses to fire so i stab the c**t....
Get into the living room area at the bottom and the same for another one, stabbed that fucker as well.................... made me laugh
  Mountune Tractor
You noob geddes the 1887 is awesome! Akimbo = win!!

In fact there was a bug with the 1887's in that they were silly powerful over a large distance...I don't know if that's been patched yet but I miss the 1887 :(

If it's the FMJ glitch then yes it was patched.

I was playing derail last night and there was one of my team sniping from outside the map on the far side on a mountain. Nobody could touch him, cheating t**t.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
someone sent me a friend request, not so long ago. the person had a 10th prestige rank logo but when i looked at their stats they were just like 4 daysa worth of playing less than 1st prestige if you know what i mean.

any way this person sent me an invite one day, and they were 4 of them young american lads guessing. and all they were doing was showing each other hot spots for glitching on about 4 maps

so i left and took his name of my list

aswell they were taking the peee out of me, f@@@ing c@@ts
  Tesla MP3 2021
I'm sick to death of the t***s who are constantly using the care package glitch. Nearly every game tonight someone has been doing it.

When are they going to patch this for good??

I did destroy pretty much a whole team though who were trying to do it on Sub base, finished 39 - 6 lol :)
  Clio 182
I hate the care package glitch, even when my team are doing it... the thing is when they have been doing the opposing team didnt even cotton and try and kill the fucker - just let him crack on with it
