using thermal is gayness of the highest order! Nae talent.:banghead:
Chill out mate I was hardly biggin up myself, I agree thermals are fuckin annoyin, their whole team rushed us the first 3 rounds so I simply switched classes n got payback on em!
using thermal is gayness of the highest order! Nae talent.:banghead:
You wont win dredz .. I am wallbang! Haha nice clip mate! Like the no scope one at the start! Il have a reply uploaded tonight or tomorrow sometime!
I had a pretty good run with the mp5k today, silenced and using marathon, cold blooded and ninja (all pro) i was raking in the kills especialy on estate finished 29-7 or something like that!
Then had a blast on nazi zombies with lymac.. i forgot how addictive that was!!! I think aly rage quit though cause he left in a hurry.. either that or caroline came back:rasp:
like any of this? not a thermal in sight lol
Its called take me away by medics and thanks!Cool montage!
What's the name of the tune?
Chill out mate I was hardly biggin up myself, I agree thermals are fuckin annoyin, their whole team rushed us the first 3 rounds so I simply switched classes n got payback on em!
I thought you rage quit because I got you and dredz with a collateral![]()
You didn't? I never seen it anyway i spent that whole f**king game getting commando knifed from stupid distances CBA with that s**t all night when a whole f**king clan is doing it.
I got seriously f*cked off with commando in that last game so i just rage quit. Im busy uploadin a quick video, i backed up all my montage clips onto an external HDD so theres only 2 wallbangs but two bonus clips.
Wasn't it you who ran around with an RPG for ages?
Its good fun every now and again and works brilliant on certain maps... vacant, salvage, highrise, wasteland and rust... but commando stabs from half way across the map sucks on everymap. Only good thing about commando is no falling damage.
All I'm gonna say is ... If you can't beat em ... Join em .. Noob tube and oma ftw
Just got a 360 no scope one crash ... And I recorded it.. Will be in my next CID due up tomorrow!