Played a fair bit over the weekend and had some fun games as I didn't seem to encounter too much noob tubing.
Probably best game for me was on TDM in Favela. Got my first chopper gunner after about 2 minutes of play! Nowhere near good enough to contemplate recording a game but here's a quick rundown of how I did it:
My side spawned at the bottom. 4 or 5 out of the 6 of us went up the hill. I went into the building towards the left, dropped a claymore at the back entrance (the entrance closer to the top of the hill). I then got right in the corner giving myself a view out the window to the side. I saw some gun fire and 1 of my team go down, so as you'd expect, a couple come round the corner and I pick em both off pretty easily. I then turned round and looked back down towards where we spawned. 2 of the opposing team come round the corner and again it was easy pickings. This gave me a pred missile (using hardline) so I layed down to try and hide and managed a double kill with that which took me to 6 and give me the harrier strike. Somebody then walked into the building, luckily my claymore took them out to put me on 7. I then got excited / panicked and hid like a girl waiting for my harriers to do their work haha. This was the first time I'd had chopper gunner on and threatened to get to 10 kills so I didn't wanna risk somebody getting me lol. 3 kills later from the harriers and chopper gunner is out! Needless to say I was frickin' useless with the thing and only got 3 kills from it lol! Still, after that I was 13-0 after about 3 minutes heh.
Had a few good games with my friends who are all way better than me and when we play together it's hardcore TDM. I kinda like this format whereby it's almost a case of first shot gets the kill and also where you don't see the killcam. The latter does make camping even more of a b**ch, so I decided to try and find some cheeky spots myself and try the annoying tactics! On Highrise I was getting the easiest kills on the building to the right with the big gas cannister thingy. I had a claymore behind me in case somebody came from behind and the opponent team just kept running out the building so was easy pickings haha. I accidentally killed a team mate though who clearly takes the game too serious and decided to kill me back on purpose ruining my killstreak lol. I had a game in Afghan where I was inside the plane the whole game moving out a few times for some kills then back in and ended up 16-1. Then I had a game on Invasion where I found an awesome spot where you can lie down on 1 of the tanks and hardly nobody notices you! And as hardcore doesnt show killcam it was easy again).
Might get flamed a little for the camping tactics, but the way I see it is that it is a big part of the game so I want to refine my skills from that aspect as well to improve my all round game. I think it's taught me to be a bit more patient with my tactics. Instead of running around like a madman now I try my best to take the necessary steps to killing somebody but also making sure there's not a load of them waiting to pick me off too.
So pretty good weekend gaming for me lol!