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[PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

  Clio 1.2 16v
you can only normally get them in private matches so someone must have invited or maybe joined a friend that was in one and the host did that to him to be a c*ck, kev u havin a BC2 sesh again later?
  LY 182
Played a fair bit over the weekend and had some fun games as I didn't seem to encounter too much noob tubing.

Probably best game for me was on TDM in Favela. Got my first chopper gunner after about 2 minutes of play! Nowhere near good enough to contemplate recording a game but here's a quick rundown of how I did it:

My side spawned at the bottom. 4 or 5 out of the 6 of us went up the hill. I went into the building towards the left, dropped a claymore at the back entrance (the entrance closer to the top of the hill). I then got right in the corner giving myself a view out the window to the side. I saw some gun fire and 1 of my team go down, so as you'd expect, a couple come round the corner and I pick em both off pretty easily. I then turned round and looked back down towards where we spawned. 2 of the opposing team come round the corner and again it was easy pickings. This gave me a pred missile (using hardline) so I layed down to try and hide and managed a double kill with that which took me to 6 and give me the harrier strike. Somebody then walked into the building, luckily my claymore took them out to put me on 7. I then got excited / panicked and hid like a girl waiting for my harriers to do their work haha. This was the first time I'd had chopper gunner on and threatened to get to 10 kills so I didn't wanna risk somebody getting me lol. 3 kills later from the harriers and chopper gunner is out! Needless to say I was frickin' useless with the thing and only got 3 kills from it lol! Still, after that I was 13-0 after about 3 minutes heh. :eek:

Had a few good games with my friends who are all way better than me and when we play together it's hardcore TDM. I kinda like this format whereby it's almost a case of first shot gets the kill and also where you don't see the killcam. The latter does make camping even more of a b**ch, so I decided to try and find some cheeky spots myself and try the annoying tactics! On Highrise I was getting the easiest kills on the building to the right with the big gas cannister thingy. I had a claymore behind me in case somebody came from behind and the opponent team just kept running out the building so was easy pickings haha. I accidentally killed a team mate though who clearly takes the game too serious and decided to kill me back on purpose ruining my killstreak lol. I had a game in Afghan where I was inside the plane the whole game moving out a few times for some kills then back in and ended up 16-1. Then I had a game on Invasion where I found an awesome spot where you can lie down on 1 of the tanks and hardly nobody notices you! And as hardcore doesnt show killcam it was easy again).

Might get flamed a little for the camping tactics, but the way I see it is that it is a big part of the game so I want to refine my skills from that aspect as well to improve my all round game. I think it's taught me to be a bit more patient with my tactics. Instead of running around like a madman now I try my best to take the necessary steps to killing somebody but also making sure there's not a load of them waiting to pick me off too.

So pretty good weekend gaming for me lol! :rolleyes:

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Can you sneek past claymores in COD? On Battlefield 2142 they had a great feature (imo) where if you crouched and moved forward at walking pace, you could sneak past an armed claymore. Managed to plug a fair few camping snipers with that one - lol.

  Nothing at the mo :(
omfg dont talk to me aobut claymores

EVERYONE i run past i get killed by, but the amount of times ive laid them, heard them go of and no one dies!!!
  LY 182
I think it might be the way they are facing? When you plant them they have the 'V' in the red laser type style. If you walk into the proximity in that direction you die I think. If the other way round you might not die, might be the direction of the explosion or something?

Could be totally wrong though. Might be a perk that helps or something?

I think if you are sprinting through one you don't die you just get injured as I ran through one in Sub Base and survived, well, for about 2 seconds til the dude camping in the room I ran into my killed me haha.

The best ones are at the top of stairs or just round the corners. Always get a cheeky couple of claymore kills in my games lol!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
yeah theres a perk to get through them, all other times if ya get through them is lag or they have been badly placed. i put them on a angle so there running into the explosion.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Yep same Geddes mate, Invite me when ya see me

On a side note.. nearly bought some £150 turtle headset yesterday :D

But then misses reminded me im saving up for my insurance for my car.. which turned into :( lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
if you got scrambler pro on it delays the claymore before detonation by a few secs and for the sit rep it detects the claymores, explosives and tacs by showing up red iirc


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Yep same Geddes mate, Invite me when ya see me

On a side note.. nearly bought some £150 turtle headset yesterday :D

But then misses reminded me im saving up for my insurance for my car.. which turned into :( lol
your missus is right on that one lol
  Nothing at the mo :(
yeah i know shse is for once lol... car is of the road atm due to funds *had aobut 1 month to get funds tgoether for new flat we rented"... so after its on the road il grab some turtles

Also i saw some turtles for £150 and another set for £60 :s
  LY 182
Lol great little guide that. The idea of putting a C4 on top of the claymore is pure evil!

Nice to see I was using my claymore's fairly effectively but have a lot more range than I realized tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
getting bored of this game now lol, seem to be playing less and less.

Call out for Black Ops, bring it on!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3

here's a video of some good clips from recent games
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  LY 182
Holy s**t I'm buzzing. Pretty sad to be buzzing but hey. Just had an awesome game on Karachi. Ended 24-6 which included a 22 killstreak lol. Pred, harriers, AC130 then about 4 or 5 kills after that. I ran out of ammo which doesnt make sense as I had scavenger on I must of been too excited to run past the bodies lol.

Definitely my best performance in the game so far!
  Fabia VRS
I played earlya and got a few ac's (Y) played pretty good tbh, ive finished with the intervention and back ont he ump
  Fiesta ST-2
What's with all the 'pros' sniping on S&D? They have it on sensitivity 10, which they can't handle and constantly go for quick scopes and no scopes all the time. Ever thought that in the 5 quick scopes you missed, you could have lined up 3 easy shots?! Idiots!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
What's with all the 'pros' sniping on S&D? They have it on sensitivity 10, which they can't handle and constantly go for quick scopes and no scopes all the time. Ever thought that in the 5 quick scopes you missed, you could have lined up 3 easy shots?! Idiots!
aye me n kev was on S+D yesterday and was allot of snipers firing like crazy as you say treemanx there just showing off. all you need is take your time and bam dead. happens all the time they were still doing it every game. that's all you get in S+D is nipers does my nut in


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Holy s**t I'm buzzing. Pretty sad to be buzzing but hey. Just had an awesome game on Karachi. Ended 24-6 which included a 22 killstreak lol. Pred, harriers, AC130 then about 4 or 5 kills after that. I ran out of ammo which doesnt make sense as I had scavenger on I must of been too excited to run past the bodies lol.

Definitely my best performance in the game so far!
good going, takes some getting use to mastering the AC i havnt as with using the chopper all the way through my ranks. Aye you prob wasnt going over dead bodies goes down quick if your firing whole clips
