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phpBB user and groups problem..

  FF RB 182
Trying to sort out a forum for something, been a long while since i've done this.

I want to keep some of the forums private until you had XX amount of posts. If managed to set this up.. but the problem is whenever someone signs up they automatically get added to 'Newly registered users' and 'Registered users' the latter having access to the right forums. I can't seem to configure it so they only getting added to the 'Newly registered users' not both.. the option for:

Set Newly Registered Users group to default:
If set to yes, and a new member post limit is specified, newly registered users will not only be put into the Newly Registered Users group, but this group will also be their default one. This may come in handy if you want to assign a group default rank and/or avatar the user then inherits.

Is checked so thought this would do it but appears not to be..

