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poss engine conversion

  172 M69 eater

how much would it cost to drop a 1.4 engine in my 1.2?? I wanna get those saxos they r annoying me :devilish: possibly a megane engine or a rt engine and what would i need to buy besides the engine?

oh and who could do it? hillpower? torsion tuning?

ta patty!

Torsion tuning would do it for ya and a 1.4 engine will go in fine dunno bout cost though!

no doubt people will tell u to jus sell ur car and buy a 1.4!
  172 M69 eater

true but then the work already done is wasted i spose....

plus the cars body is immaculate.... i wouldnt wanna sell him like sellin a child!!


patty (plus i cant afford a 16v till i finished uni)

i wouldnt sell mine, all the effort ive put into her jus to trade her!

call up torsion tuning and ask em! while ur there find out how much to fit front springs!

I wouldnt have thought swapping a 1.2 for a 1.4 to be very cost effective!?

Why not spank £650 on a proper top bollock n20 setup then when your older drop a 16v lump in and stick the nitrous on that! ;)

Alternatively you get TT to drop in a 1.8 8v RT lump? Or a 1.8 8v RSi lump for more insurance friendly speed?
  172 M69 eater

im liking the sound of 1.8 rsi, what insurance group is that in?!

gtt conversion is a bit heafty for my wallet at the mo!!


Either way i recommend giving either Jon or Dave at Torsion a call cos theyve always sorted me out well down there!

Jon: 07949200705

Dave: 07951021672
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

What about the 1.6 16v megane engine. i saw one the other month with 35k for £150 inc the box...
  172 M69 eater

jus had a quote on the 1.8rsi engine and it was 900 off liverpool vic which is cheapest. i mite have to leave it 4 now cus i cant afford to bump up my insurance that much at the mo.

i have emailed torsion again askin bout the 1.8 lump, the 1.4 is 400 supplied n fitted,which aint bad to b fair!!

watch this space!

  172 M69 eater

i was spkin to my mate today whos german and over there u pay so much money depending on ur age and how long u been drivin and u can drive what ever u want!! :mad: even the bloody germans are ahead of us....

its so annoyin i can afford the transplant but the insurance kills me :cry:
