Audi TT 3.2 V6
Not best pleased today, i washed the car come to dry it...hunting everywere for my watermagnet drying towel. i eventually find it on the floor below my dads bike covered in grease and all sorts of s**t.
Typically id thrown my old chammy out a few weeks ago in a garage clearout so had to let the car dry naturally.
We live in a very hard water area so the car has dried a right mess, ive tried to polish some of the water marks of using SRP but this has had little success.
I cant be arsed to go and wash the car again now ive got a new watermagnet but are the watermarks likely to shift next time i wash the car or not? They look a complete mess atm
Thanks, Russ
Not best pleased today, i washed the car come to dry it...hunting everywere for my watermagnet drying towel. i eventually find it on the floor below my dads bike covered in grease and all sorts of s**t.
Typically id thrown my old chammy out a few weeks ago in a garage clearout so had to let the car dry naturally.
We live in a very hard water area so the car has dried a right mess, ive tried to polish some of the water marks of using SRP but this has had little success.
I cant be arsed to go and wash the car again now ive got a new watermagnet but are the watermarks likely to shift next time i wash the car or not? They look a complete mess atm
Thanks, Russ