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Quick question for anybody with tomtom

  182 RB FF
Decided im now going to buy a tomtom just wonderd if it could be mounted in the cup holder section below the stereo??

Don't really want it on show nor do i want the suction marks on the windscreen its just asking to be broken into...

Any other ways are welcome,

  LY R26
u shouldn't need one of them i have a tomtom one and it works fine anywhere in the car mostly mounted on the screen or someone is messing with it in the passengers seat!
are you thinking of having it mounted permanently? there are kits to get it hooked on the air vents aswell.
  182 RB FF
No not permanently, just maybe the one that comes with it, just wonderd if it was possible to stick it to the base of the cup holders rather than the window??
  MY10 R35 GTR
when theres a will theres a way. No harm in buying an extra antenna. I bought one and just stuck it under the dash. not doin any harm. and fpr the sake of a few quid why not
