Sorry, I'm having trouble finding the original thread 
I have finally got around to buying this game, as I noticed it's £13 on Steam. Initial impressions are that the gunplay seems decent. The enemies I've fought so far were pretty generic though. Dozens of seemingly identical gimps doing identical things, and dying identically. Hmmm...perhaps not the best of starts to a shooter?!
Graphically it's worryingly inconsistent. The vistas look fantastic, but textures, and anything you interact with, are comically low quality. Seriously, some of the assets wouldn't look out of place in in the original Half-Life. WTF? Speaking of assets, considering that most of the textures and items are of such poor quality, how the f**k does this weigh in at 21GB? Oh and the NPCs are terribly animated. Also, when I save, why does the game pause? Talk about breaking the immersion.
TBF I'm thinking it's probably a decent game, but technically it feels ten years older than it is. The game mechanics feel no different to something from the Doom 3 era. Pretty shoddy stuff. IIRC this game was marketed as some kind of coding masterpiece. Pull the other one you mugs!
Anyway yeah. Don't expect many people to be interested.
I have finally got around to buying this game, as I noticed it's £13 on Steam. Initial impressions are that the gunplay seems decent. The enemies I've fought so far were pretty generic though. Dozens of seemingly identical gimps doing identical things, and dying identically. Hmmm...perhaps not the best of starts to a shooter?!
Graphically it's worryingly inconsistent. The vistas look fantastic, but textures, and anything you interact with, are comically low quality. Seriously, some of the assets wouldn't look out of place in in the original Half-Life. WTF? Speaking of assets, considering that most of the textures and items are of such poor quality, how the f**k does this weigh in at 21GB? Oh and the NPCs are terribly animated. Also, when I save, why does the game pause? Talk about breaking the immersion.
TBF I'm thinking it's probably a decent game, but technically it feels ten years older than it is. The game mechanics feel no different to something from the Doom 3 era. Pretty shoddy stuff. IIRC this game was marketed as some kind of coding masterpiece. Pull the other one you mugs!
Anyway yeah. Don't expect many people to be interested.