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Recaro or not Recaro.........

......that is the question

They are taking the mick now with the delivery date and to de honest after seeing what the back seats will look like im not sure its worth paying the extra.

You lose the leather, the split seats, the head rests, the lumber support, the lateral airbags and are still charged £550 on top. Im starting to wonder if this was such a good deal after all.

I have ordered it with the seats but i think i might cancel them.....what is the general opinion???????????????
  FF 182, K5 GSX-R1000

Renault have just removed the option! Gonna be pretty rare with them i think.

Whats your delivery date then? Mines due 3rd may with them.



Quote: Originally posted by Paul J on 15 April 2005
Ash renault called me an hour ago and told me it has!

Then they are wrong. Take Jeremys word for it, he WILL be correct.

My delivery date was the 3rd of May also. I really love the seats its just that damn back seat. Why could they have left the standard ones in!
  Megane R26

If you really like them that much just buy aftermarket ones once youve got the car, that way youll have leather back seats too.

Been trying to call renault wolverhampton all day to change the seats, i have left message after message. Im getting anoyyed now!!!!!

When i spoke to him earlier he said i couldnt change them. I have since found out that this is not the case.
