Anyone know where to get covers for the pretensioners?
I'd like to fit the recaro sportster cs seats into my 200T. I know it has been done but can anyone help with how much lower than the standard seats they are? Both at the point under the knee and also under the arse! Also, where is the best place to get matching trim done?
I believe they are a straight swap and then sort airbag light?
@Christopher. has them I think
Mine came direct from Recaro so have completely different way of mounting. Mine use another subframe bolted direct to the underside of the seat.
@JON FOZ was developing some
I sure am Gus.
I've just had my first prototype back yesterday.
I'm welding it up on the jig tomorrow and will be checking it over.
I'm thinking that the Meg CS seats have the same fixings on the base once the existing subframe assembly is removed.
If you want to send me your email address I can show you how my set up will work.
They come up on eBay quite often or try Capital SeatingHi
Does anyone know where you can get a replacement tilt lever for the trendline?
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Hi Jon- what material did you use to make the covers out of- metal?
Do you have any pics of a finished one?
This should give you enough information to make your own.
This is taken from a Recaro supplied one.
This is on A4 paper
The pre tensioner covers can be made of any material you choose.Not sure what happened there..
Jon- what material would the cover be made of- metal?
Do you have any pics of a finished one at all?
The pre tensioner covers can be made of any material you choose.
Alcantara looks really good,black vinyl is a safe option too.
Will see if still got pics if a standard one to share.
I would be interested in finding out how to get some / make some up!
Look at Allan’s post above.
I’ve drawn them out on A4 paper so you can scale them up.
Hi all, just got myself a 172 cup and a friend's upgrading his evo 5 seats so offering me them for a ok price, no subframes though, what all will I need, I know you can get recaro subframes, is there any other subframe options, I've seen some people running ones made by someone on the forum, are these still being made? I'm guessing it's too different to modify the standard ones to fit the recaro base? Thanks
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I’d imagine mounts can be made for most applications.Just seen this thread!
To ask the question... are custom mounts an option for any car??
Stab in the dark here (considering how long ago the post was), but did you find a work around for your Recaros? I have the same problem.Well I tried fitting the seats but the frames on the Recaro's are about half an inch out. I thought for a second they would be a straight swap but the bolt holes didn't quite line up. What a git!