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Recaro Seat info - updated

  Clio Cup 200
Well I tried fitting the seats but the frames on the Recaro's are about half an inch out. I thought for a second they would be a straight swap but the bolt holes didn't quite line up. What a git!
  Clio Cup 200
Well I tried fitting the seats but the frames on the Recaro's are about half an inch out. I thought for a second they would be a straight swap but the bolt holes didn't quite line up. What a git!
  RB 182
i have integra dc2 recaro's sr3 oem, and i fit them with omp plate and sliders, but i have a question, can i fit them with trendlines subframes 68.68.19a and 68.68.29a?
  Clio 182 FF
Anyone know where to get covers for the pretensioners?

  RS Clio 200
I'd like to fit the recaro sportster cs seats into my 200T. I know it has been done but can anyone help with how much lower than the standard seats they are? Both at the point under the knee and also under the arse! Also, where is the best place to get matching trim done?

I believe they are a straight swap and then sort airbag light?



ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
I'd like to fit the recaro sportster cs seats into my 200T. I know it has been done but can anyone help with how much lower than the standard seats they are? Both at the point under the knee and also under the arse! Also, where is the best place to get matching trim done?

I believe they are a straight swap and then sort airbag light?


Did you get anywhere with this ?
  RS Clio 200
Hi, no, no response at all. I’m not going to be doing it in my current one as only having it for another year or so. However having them in my next would be the icing on the cake so am interested in progress on how easy the swap would be! Cheers.

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  Clio 182 Cup
Hi Guys,

Sorry if this question has been done to death (did a small search), reaching out from across the pond as its not as common a thing to do in Australia.

I have a set of Sportster CSs OEM out of a Meg 250 and I would like to fit them into my 182.
My mechanic had a look at them and said I'd need the brackets (68681/29A irrc) and they are pretty hard to find, so I reached out to my local Recaro stockist for some help and got a pretty blunt, unsympathetic 'no, it can't be done with Renault factory Recaros'. This is the first time I have come across this answer, after all the time trawling for the part and seeing similar builds online.

I have seen a couple of threads online where people have fitted them in, siting the same mount part numbers and all, but I can't seem to recall if the Recaros in question were sourced straight from Recaro themselves or pulled out of another car. Apparently the Meg ones have a slightly different bottom mount, but I would have assumed it would have been replaced by the one I'm having trouble finding online.

Simply put, does anyone have any experience fitting factory optioned Recaro seats from one car into a different car without much more than the required mounting bracket? Can it be done or should I be looking at selling them?


South Central-South Coast
ClioSport Area Rep
Mine came direct from Recaro so have completely different way of mounting. Mine use another subframe bolted direct to the underside of the seat.


ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
I sure am Gus.

I've just had my first prototype back yesterday.

I'm welding it up on the jig tomorrow and will be checking it over.

I'm thinking that the Meg CS seats have the same fixings on the base once the existing subframe assembly is removed.

If you want to send me your email address I can show you how my set up will work.

  Clio 182 Cup

Mine came direct from Recaro so have completely different way of mounting. Mine use another subframe bolted direct to the underside of the seat.

@JON FOZ was developing some

I sure am Gus.

I've just had my first prototype back yesterday.

I'm welding it up on the jig tomorrow and will be checking it over.

I'm thinking that the Meg CS seats have the same fixings on the base once the existing subframe assembly is removed.

If you want to send me your email address I can show you how my set up will work.


Thanks so much for pointing us in the right direction guys!


ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
I've tacked up my first prototype Recaro CS seat base frame today.

This is required when fitting the CS seats from a 197 etc.

The complete subframe assembly has to be removed from the 197 seats and replaced with this frame.

My VBD Clio Recaro adaptors will then bolt to this frame and onto your existing Clio runners.

I'm machining 4 steel bosses tomorrow which will be welded in.

These bolt the back rest part of the seat to the base.

Allan H

ClioSport Club Member
  Ford Puma, Focus
First one in today. Evo 8 seats. Turned into a bit of a bugger with the 8mm Allen bolts rounding off. Also a bit lopsided so the grinder might need to come out to get it sitting a bit lower without so many levelling washers! Still, it's lower and a lot comfier!
Thanks @JON FOZ !


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Allan H

ClioSport Club Member
  Ford Puma, Focus
Not sure what happened there..
Jon- what material would the cover be made of- metal?
Do you have any pics of a finished one at all?


ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
Not sure what happened there..
Jon- what material would the cover be made of- metal?
Do you have any pics of a finished one at all?
The pre tensioner covers can be made of any material you choose.

Alcantara looks really good,black vinyl is a safe option too.

Will see if still got pics if a standard one to share.

Does anyone know of a good reasonably priced upholsterer thatvrepairs the side upright bolster on 2011 Clio Recaro please?
I am located in Somerset.

Regards Tim
  Evo 6 TME, Clio 172
Hi all, just got myself a 172 cup and a friend's upgrading his evo 5 seats so offering me them for a ok price, no subframes though, what all will I need, I know you can get recaro subframes, is there any other subframe options, I've seen some people running ones made by someone on the forum, are these still being made? I'm guessing it's too different to modify the standard ones to fit the recaro base? Thanks

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Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
Hi all, just got myself a 172 cup and a friend's upgrading his evo 5 seats so offering me them for a ok price, no subframes though, what all will I need, I know you can get recaro subframes, is there any other subframe options, I've seen some people running ones made by someone on the forum, are these still being made? I'm guessing it's too different to modify the standard ones to fit the recaro base? Thanks

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Contact @JON FOZ


ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
An update on some new products in my VBD line up.

The replacement CS seat base frames are now in stock.

These are used if looking to fit the CS seats from 197/200.

My frames allow you to now fit these seats into 172 etc on either standard Trophy adaptors or my VBD Recaro Trendline adaptors


Price is £140 each frame collected from Merseyside

Post is £16

Any PayPal fees to be covered


ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
Update 2.

I’ve just finished my prototype VBD lowered seat frame assembly for the Mk3 Clio 197/200 Recaro CS seat.

These lower the seating position by 45mm.

Retain the factory look

Bolt upto the existing runners

Accept existing seat belt pre-tensioner

I believe my units to be the only ones available for both driver & passenger seats.

Price to be confirmed shortly.

Should be on sale January 19.

Pics to follow.
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ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
Just seen this thread!

To ask the question... are custom mounts an option for any car??
I’d imagine mounts can be made for most applications.

I only design and manufacture ones I’m positive will sell as it’s costly to get them into production.

Bespoke kits can be supplied but will be more expensive than my off the shelf ones



ClioSport Club Member
  EVO 6
My VBD Clio Mk3 Lowered Recaro seat frames for 197/200 are now in stock

Price is £200 per seat frame

These are available for both driver and passenger seats.

  Clio 197,with megan'
Is it possible to remove the plastic cover from the airbag on the side of the seat, as its vibrating badly?. Thanks.
Well I tried fitting the seats but the frames on the Recaro's are about half an inch out. I thought for a second they would be a straight swap but the bolt holes didn't quite line up. What a git!
Stab in the dark here (considering how long ago the post was), but did you find a work around for your Recaros? I have the same problem.
