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Renault Sport specialist garages

  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z

Do they exist... is there a dealership that specialises in the sale and service of the Renault Sport cars? I would be more than willing to drive a fair few miles to a garage if i knew the technicians were highly skilled and specialised in the RS models.

Surely Renault UK must have an inkling that their dealerships which house monkey mechanics is one very predominant weakness.

Is there anyone on here that works at a renault dealership?

there isnt any renault sport dealerships at the mo, would be nice if they did a few but all costs money etc etc

yes there is a few ppl who work for renault here, me included, a few RTEs aswell on here
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S

you might be able to find indepentant renault specialists, i know of a few round Bracknell, give the yellow pages a flick through.

Quote: Originally posted by Gary G on 22 November 2004

Do they exist... is there a dealership that specialises in the sale and service of the Renault Sport cars? I would be more than willing to drive a fair few miles to a garage if i knew the technicians were highly skilled and specialised in the RS models.
Is there anyone on here that works at a renault dealership?
There is a Renault Sport course I think that tecnitians etc an go on to learn the intricacies of the 172/182 car.

There are a few people here who work for Renault.
  Mk2 Clio V6 / 996 C4S

Id be interested in finding out as well.

My local dealership has just lost there best and most trusted mechanic to Mercedes. Now Im not happy about my V6 going to that dealer for its service.

IIRC only RTEs are allowed to work on renault sports models anyway so for the likes of dealerships that employ unqualified lads to do oil changes and services at least you know you will get one of the head "chimp" rather than a particularly stupid one, lol

im not sure id trust renault with my V6 for servicing. Would probly get a phonecall during the day saying it appears you v6 doesnt have an engine in the bonnet so we were unable to change the oil lol


im not a RTE but i get alot of renault sports to work on, although they wont give the reno sports models to everyone in our dealership!!

Quote: Originally posted by Loony on 22 November 2004

unqualified lads to do oil changes and services at least you know you will get one of the head "chimp" rather than a particularly stupid one, lol
I hope the chimp swinging round the engine bay of my car take some care of it today. I wonder if the Williams owners is working on it?

But Im not holding up much hope they cannot even find the locking wheel nuts which are in the wheel well.
  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z

Jeremy, im mainly in Bristol but anywhere between cornwall and Bedford is easily viable for me.

You could try us, Fish Brothers swindon, 01793 645655..

We are not all "CHIMPS", well actually the apprentices are! :D

On a serious note, can someone please explain to me what is so "Special" about the 172/182/V6? And why so many people look for a Renault Sport specialist dealer..

At the end of the day a car is a car, and an engine is an engine.. Just because a Clio has RS "pedigree" doesnt make it that different to a normal clio..

The 2.0 RS engine isnt that different to any other renault engine, and the V6 lump is almost the most common V in the world... As it is fitted to Peugeot, Citroen and Renault vehicles along with a spatering of others.. It is in fact Frances "National Engine"..

When I worked at a Subaru dealership for 3 years I came across the same attitude there.. Impreza owners who thought that their vehicles were made of gold and very "special".. They also thought that the Techs would take their pride and joys out and cane the living crap out of them.. However that is so far from the truth..

In reality it is very very boring to drive Imprezas everyday, and it is equally boring to drive Clio 172/182/V6s etc everyday..

However I do agree that there are some less that competent Techs and dealers out there.. Not only Renault but in every marque..

So the key to what people are looking for has got to be a competent Technician in an equally competent dealership.. But that is exactly what someone who owns a 1.2 Clio Dynamique wants as well..

As a Customer of Peugeot a few years ago I also came across some dodgy Techs, service staff and dealerships.. Only eventually find one bloke at one dealership that seemed to "care".. But then I sold the Car and bought my "special" ClioRS.. And again built by French Chimps ;)
  Clio v6

The delivery by Renaults marketing and advertising leads you to believe you are a special customer when choosing a RenaultSport model.

Owners like to feel a little special, and I for one will not be taking my car to your dealership knowing how you think.

Did the Premier dealership idea vanish?

James, I am not arguing about the "special" feel that the RS brand is sold under..

In reality, whether you are spending 9k on a low spec Clio or 30K on a V6 Espace the salesmen in any dealership will make you feel special anyway, cos that exactly how they get 99% of their sales..

But the bottom line is that ALL Customers are special and all customers vehicles should be Treated in exactly the same way.. That is with respect and with Great Care..

So dont be naive thinking that I dont think you or anyone else is Special, because, Respect and Care is exactly the way that I treat any vehicle that I am working on.. As I would expect from anyone working on mine...

Having RS specialist centres would certainly be a good marketing angle, and increase the visibilty of the brand.. But would you still have the same techs working on the cars.. I think the answer would be yes..
  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z

Cheers Jeremy, incidently i purchased my 182 from SJ Cook and Son...good to know theyre a decent garage.
  Clio v6

That is exactly what customers have been after for many, many years. Treat every car as equal, but treat the special customers better.

When all the sales hype works its way into the top model buyer, they are convinced of needing special treatment. Then the workshop tells them they are no more special than the next bit of bodywork with an engine in it.

Countless times Ive heard the workshop foremen instruct the fitters "Please be very careful with this one, its a V6" etc. Doesnt sound like equal treatment ?

Example :

Premier Centre, (dealer name ) is able to specialise in Renaults top-of-the-range executive-class models; New Espace, Vel Satis and Avantime. These executive models come with an executive level of service, starting with the initial enquiry and lasting throughout ownership of the vehicle.

I Think the issue is seeing as renault is a mundane brand and not an inspirational one alot of customers will see it as a tool and to a certain extent not be overly careful with it or interested in it. As owners who have a big interest in cars as a hobby and not just a means of transport we tend to be more particular and i think for the most part would prefer a more senior or consciencious(sp) tech working on it, as opposed to a careless one or apprentice. Yes all techs should be the same and take the same pride and care in their work but i think we all know this is not the case and there are a fair few mechanics working for various brands and dealerships who simply dont give a toss.

Yes I have heard that as well in various places..

Especially at Subaru where there was one chap who bought a new STi every year.. and added all the Prodrive upgrades etc.. So spent a lot of money..

However to be told that as the "fitter" ;) could have made me feel that I was treating other customers cars with less care that that STi...? I dont think so, as I said before everyone is equal and personally gets the BEST SPECIAL SERVICE... :D

Of course the initial Interface to the customer is the Service desk. Where the staff are generally not mechanicaly knowledgable, and sometimes do put doubt in the customers minds when they do not understand the workings of a specific vehicle and the work that is requested or has been carried out..
  Clio v6

I agree the fitter is a pet hate of mine too. Almost as bad as going up to the Parts Department counter and shouting "Stores" :mad:

Loony you are absolutely Correct.. There are many Techs in the Trade that do not give a TOSS..

And yes I think you have made an important observation, that a great deal of RSport owners are enthusiasts and are interested/knowledgable.. :cool:

What is frustrating is that we are ALL tard with the same Brush. :mad:

service staff should IMO opinion have at least a basic technical knowledge to do a decent job. A friendly chap or pretty girl is all very pleasant but f**k all use if you need to explain something complicated to or vice-versa. i feel sorry for the poor sods who know nothing about cars and have to try and translate the ramblings of someone who doesnt know what they are talking about.
  Ford Fiesta

yes I agree with the above and that there are some decent ones out there. But when you hand keys over you cant exactly say dont give it to one of your chimps! Wish I could as I wouldnt now be waiting for a factory somewhere in france to start making 182 cup wheels so they can eventually send me some, and in the mean time I just drive round with scraped wheels!

I wish I could find a real renault boff who cares for my car, but i havnt until now. My car always comes back with marks on the interior and doors etc. Fair enough Im prob after perfection and I aint going to get it.

Same with other dealers too,(including ford) and even when i had a "lesser" dynamique I wanted the same.

It just seems to me there aint much TLC anymore, its all about the quickest turn around and who can do the most oil changes per hour etc.



Oh yes a very Rare and special model.. It must be handled with Fuffy Gloves.. :devilish:

Liam182, that is where some dealerships are supplimenting salaries with "performance" related bonuses based on Hours sold/Hours taken.. So the quicker you work the more money you get..

But it breed sloppyness unfortunately :(
  2.0 175dci rs meggy

Quote: Originally posted by 172 Exclusive on 22 November 2004

Martin, aka RTE previously Westward, Chippenham.. If so, then Yes
say hello 4 me!!

its james (rte) from platinum (westward) bath soon to be going to the new site in trowbridge!

its prolly been said b4, but how can you expect someone who works at any dealership to give your car as much care and attention as youd like them to, as they still get paid at the end of the week whether they are mailto:w@nk"> w@nk or not, present company excepted.

And where is the insult in being called a fitter, im a fitter, but then again i only build aircraft for a living, and no, not model ones. And i served my time as a motor mechanic.;)
  Lionel Richie

My mate did work for BMW as a Service Manager, he used to write "BAC" on top of the service sheet if the customer was a tw*t, then the Monkeys out back THRASHED the car!!!!

BAC = Blokes A Cnut!!!!

3 x E36 M3s written off

He eventually got sacked after the police rang the Dealership saying "weve just clocked an M5 registered to you going at 153mph down the M42!"

Funny and true!!!!
  Mk2 Clio V6 / 996 C4S

Quote: Originally posted by Fred2001Dynamic on 23 November 2004

My mate did work for BMW as a Service Manager, he used to write "BAC" on top of the service sheet if the customer was a tw*t, then the Monkeys out back THRASHED the car!!!!

BAC = Blokes A Cnut!!!!

3 x E36 M3s written off

He eventually got sacked after the police rang the Dealership saying "weve just clocked an M5 registered to you going at 153mph down the M42!"

Funny and true!!!!
Funny in what way?

Quote: Originally posted by Fred2001Dynamic on 23 November 2004

My mate did work for BMW as a Service Manager, he used to write "BAC" on top of the service sheet if the customer was a tw*t, then the Monkeys out back THRASHED the car!!!!
BAC = Blokes A Cnut!!!!

3 x E36 M3s written off

He eventually got sacked after the police rang the Dealership saying "weve just clocked an M5 registered to you going at 153mph down the M42!"
Im suprised they let anyone drive the M cars if they had a record for crashing them like that. When me parents took there Merc in for servicing the managers were the only people allowed to drive the cars.
