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Road Angel 2 Becomes Road angel Plus

  106 GTi
In the back of Evo mag on there latest advert.

Cant find it in the net yet though.

Now shows the speed limit and rechargeable battery for a wire free dash.

Wonder if the firmware update for the RA2 will be released soon now.
  BMW M3
"Firm Ware update" is that the new speed limit update for RA2?

Does the plus just look like the RA2 or compact?
  106 GTi
Yeah should do. The last one they did was to alow the use of the modem.

Looks just like the RA2.
  BMW M3
Any idea how the update will work (downloading etc..) and if there is a cost? Think my 6 months free is up at the end of the month.
  BMW M3
Compact... do just the same + speed limit indication, are smaller and dont think they are as solidly made but for £100 less... possible the better one !!!
