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Rosso Mars Lamborghini Aventador Roadster LP700-4 Enhancement Detail

  Clio T 314hp c43 AMG
Who the f**k leaves it on the street in Luton? Alrighty then!!

who leaves it anywhere in luton? It's a rental, most of the time it's rented for Asian weddings and 9 times out of 10 is parked outside a house that is of lesser value than the car lol
Hi guys, hadn't noticed all these comments!

The Lambo wasn't damaged much at all, just some interior and a smashed window, but the owner thinks it will be back on the road in 5 weeks.

The two R8's and Bentley are in a much worse condition which is a real shame for the cars, but someone has taken a big disliking and I can't see it just being jealousy.

For anyone who is interested, my promo video is finally up!

LOL!! I've seen you on the M5 South Chappers.

I wanted to do a spotted thread but I though "Dashing young man in a shiny blue car" was a bit rapey.

Megarapey, would have appreciated it though, how long ago?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Much worse than it was? Mate they petrolbombed the interior, the softest parts of the car.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Have you ever seen a car after it's been on fire?

The car will need a new wiring loom for a start would of thought, that isn't going to be cheap to buy or fit.
