Yeah dude, don't let him near a car again - he wrecked the engine:
So I decided to pop the sump off, and have a look for the damage before I pulled the head off, just in case it was something simple.......
It started with getting the 7 rounded bolts off, which came off with the use of a chisel, and pulling the rest of them out I noticed a large amount of sealent on the bolts.
This was the repair on the sump:
Once I pulled off the sump, I found more metal filings, and a load more sealent :banghead:
And then I looked at the oil pick up pipe:
This is a piece of metal I pulled out of the pick up pipe:
And here is the amount of the sealent that came out of the pick up pipe - I put it next to a spare idle control valve to show much much came out:
Due to this, I wasn't expecting the big end shells to be looking particluarly great.
2 3 had had some slight scoring:
But one had span the shells:
And left a nice big mark on the crank:
The other 2 looked pretty much like the first:
After that, I popped the sump back on with a few bolts, flipped the engine back over, and popped the top off to check the state of the rockers and cams:
This is where I gave up today, though the week at some point il whip the head off and have a look at the rest of it, so far it seems some can be saved which is at least some consellation