ClioSport Club Member
ok as u may know iv been having probs with my cooling system recently, basically wen engine is cold i top it up to max then i run for half hour and wen i check the bottle the level is below minimum but wen i release the cap there is lots of pressure (should there be?) and wen i release the pressure it come back up to the top again, i have been told this means there is an airlock somewhere, also the small skinny return pipe to the bottel is barely trickling out liek as if the water isnt getting to the pump so cant be pumped back! i remember on my old clio it was like a water fall somign back ot the bottle now it is a splutering trickle! and the fan doesnt cut in until after it should, as in the engine gets warmer then it should b4 the fan starts up.
any ideas?
any ideas?