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Show me your aftermarket steering wheels please...

  AB 182-GTI-6-205 GTI
Hi all,

My 182 has got the usual chewed up thumb grips so am considering my options as to whether getting it refurb'd or replacing it with something a little smaller as it feels a bit big in my hands.. :rasp:

So, what have you guys got? Im aware of the resistor mod needed to stop the airbag light flashing, and im not 'overly' fussed about loosing the CC option..


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Daft question (I'm too cool to use search), but what boss would I need for a Sabelt wheel?
  CursedTitanium 182FF
  Megane 225 F1
I really want one like the cruise control bodge. My suede one has worn down in less than a year :(
  Chocolate Orange 172
In my view depends on what you want to use the car for, if you are going to use it more on the track then on the road then go for an aftermarket steering wheel. If you are going to use it more on the road then get it retrimmed, safer in my view especially as you never know whats round the corner. My retrimmed wheel:




ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Guessing you haven't seen the video of a cheap wheel snapping in someones hands


ClioSport Moderator
There's three wheels to the right, in a vertical line...

Click the top one.

The three different materials look slightly different.

Polyurethane is the one on want.

It will be EXACTLY the same as the ones pictured.
  Bus Winker
There's three wheels to the right, in a vertical line...

Click the top one.

The three different materials look slightly different.

Polyurethane is the one on want.

It will be EXACTLY the same as the ones pictured.

Ah got ya :p

Can you recommend a boss to go with that?
  Ph1 track 172
as if people are paying £70 for wheels that bend??

you can get OMP wheels for that!! or if youre feeling cheap, get an RMD wheel, ive used one of those and they do the job just as well as omp, suedes slightly low quality but they dont bend!! lol
