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Silly cow has broken her iphone...

  BMW E46 330i Touring
So the missus has let her iphone drop out of a dock station music thing, onto a tiled kitchen floor. Broken screen.

No specific insurance for it, surprise.

So, how much will Apple charge to replace the screen?

The alternatives at the moment seem to be to see if our home insurance covers it, since it is accidental damage at home (not sure they cover mobile devices) or see if our bank account (we pay a premium for breakdown cover, mobile cover, etc) covers it also. I'm fairly sure we haven't updated our phone details with the bank cover for a while and they specify that they need to have the phone details in order to insure them...

  BMW E46 330i Touring
Well, the chap in the Apple shop reckons around £160.

It's definitely just the outer screen as she can use it as normal at the moment, although the screen is well and truly cracked. I've cling-filmed it up and it still works fortunately.

I think my house insurance covers it, with a £50 excess, so that's not too bad. Alternatively, I may have a look at repairing it myself with the kit linked above.
Be warned.. I tried to do it with an iPod with one of those little plastic things and I gave up and paid someone else to do it :eek:
  Audi S3 225
My friend also dropped his phone and smashed the screen and didnt have insurance so he bought a replacement screen from ebay and fitted it himself. But the left side of the screen didn't work properly (typical ebay!) anyway he took it to apple and they gave him a new one.
  Clio1.2 16v & LR Defender
Or insure it and then claim in a month :eek:

This wont work if she is on contract with 02 as you only have 2 weeks to change anything, e.g. Add insurance (like i did for my iPhone after 2 days), end contract, change payment etc...


ClioSport Club Member
My friend also dropped his phone and smashed the screen and didnt have insurance so he bought a replacement screen from ebay and fitted it himself. But the left side of the screen didn't work properly (typical ebay!) anyway he took it to apple and they gave him a new one.

Result tbh.
  BMW 320d M-Sport
£160 for screen iirc. My mate did a similar thing - he just used a temporary phone and then got a 3G iPhone when his upgrade was due
  BMW E46 330i Touring
I've got Barclays Additions Plus but her phone's not on it yet (shhh), so I'll do that tommorrow and claim in a few weeks...
  Mk2 MX5 1.8iS - Side
My bank insured my phone too, but once you register it you can't claim for 28 days, iirc. That's Natwest.
