I was fitting my newly arrived Connects2 yesterday, wiring it in so the iPod to live safely in the glovebox, rather than mounted on the dash - all works a treat and I've now got 60GB of music to listen too
However, I decided to route the cable through the at the back of the glovebox, on the right-hand side rather than drill anything new. Having a feel around there was some sort of plug just above the hole, as if perhaps it should have been mounted onto the hole and available from inside the glovebox. Is this some sort of ECU diagnostics port perhaps or something else?
I'm worried now that something internal is missing a connection, even though everything is working!
However, I decided to route the cable through the at the back of the glovebox, on the right-hand side rather than drill anything new. Having a feel around there was some sort of plug just above the hole, as if perhaps it should have been mounted onto the hole and available from inside the glovebox. Is this some sort of ECU diagnostics port perhaps or something else?
I'm worried now that something internal is missing a connection, even though everything is working!