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soldering airbag wires as disconnected

  Clio Mk2 1.5 dci 65

Hi all new user here...hope someone here can help and i find a good home for forum use...

i'm planning on soldering these wires together.. its a clio mkII 1.5 dci under drivers seat ...if that makes a difference ?

its not the grey connector block that seems to be in tact..its the brown smaller one...and the black round connector block ....

can any1 confirm the correct way to solder them
iv read that it's the opposite to passenger side...i.e.. blue to blue ? brown to brown ? however the problem as you can that 3 wires need joining up....

after looking at the passenger side its connected blue to brown, and orange to brown...

and there is a separate black wire connected to a black wire - which should be easy enough - does anyone know what this wire is for?

im pretty certain the grey block is pre tensioner ? brown air bag ? and black ?
and am i right in thinking best way is to disconnect the negative battery terminal for about 20 mins before hand ?

thanks for your help
  Fabia VRS Special Ed
I'm in exactly the same boat as you mate, I'm desperate to get it sorted.

On mine, I originally had dynamique interior with airbags on the outer side of the seats, but now I've got 182 interior with airbags both sides. I always presumed that is what the extra wire was for :?
  Bumder With A Buffer
You need to connect the resistors on the black connector withe the red bit on it.

Connect the resistor across the brown and blue wires on each of those connectors :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
Ignore that I read it on my phone this morning and thought you were banging on about putting the resistors on there.
  Clio Mk2 1.5 dci 65
am i right in thinking that putting resistors would get rid of the light, but would also disable the airbags ? as its not connected up how it should be ?
just had a thought...could it be that this drivers seat is a different seat to the original ? thats why the plugs are different ?
is it possible to check if the drivers seat has been changed ?
  Bumder With A Buffer
Is the black connector coming from the seat??? Which one is the one coming from the car loom itself? The brown one??

Yes if you connect resistors across the 2 wires running from the car loom this will extinguish the lights for the airbags


actually from memory im sure the black connector is the one that is from the car loom itself???
  Clio Mk2 1.5 dci 65
ok the orange cable with the brown and blue wire(black and red connector) is coming from the seat - the brown connector with the orange and brown wire + the black connector (tube shaped) is coming from the car...

i think as no 1 seems to have any answers on this, im guna go round looking at some similar clios to find some clues...
  Clio Mk2 1.5 dci 65
ok iv connected the wires together - cut the connector blocks off and just spun them together to see if it would work before i soldered them....

reconnected everything back up ...swichted the car back on - and the serv & air bag light came back on again.... :mad:

do you have to get the light reset via computer ?
iv done this same job before on my audi, and had to reset the airbag light via vag-com...
i'm guessing this needs to be done with the clio too ?

anyone know what cable /software to use ?



you need to used 3ohm or 6 ohm resistors in both black and brown..... i thinkthe smaller black connector is your handbreak 'on' lamp . what you do to one side you do to the other,,,, the circuit must have balenced resistence for the ECU to remove the light, it basically thinks your air bag has gone off.... it could be your:

driver air bag
pas dash air bag
driver side air bag( if equipped) will have srs on side of chair
pas side air bag(if equiped) will have srs on side of chair
drive pretensioner
pas pre tension

check all connections....

happy hunting lol
  Clio Mk2 1.5 dci 65
so what your saying is cant just connect the wires together ? ie. the blue to orange and brown to brown....i have to wire a resistor in between them ? i.e. between the seat and car...
i have all those wires..but as far as im aware...none have been deployed? how can you tell ?
