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Some People Dont Have Any Respect!

  Clio 1.2 Expression
Came out today to find that someone had poured turps around my car and stole my red beesting aerial :( :mad:

Luckily it was only the bump strips that were affected and not the paint work but the inside of my car stinks of the stuff! I guess it could have been worse if my windows or wing mirrors were attacked. Just dont understand why some tw*t would go to so much trouble to vandalise someones car.
Ive tried washing it with soapy water but it just wont come off. Any tips?
Although on a positive note atleast i will be able to know who it was if they come to use my aerial on their own car.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Maybe there's some sort of Anti-Vest gang in the area?

I'd remove the side strips maybe try panel wipe.
  Clio 1.2 Expression
I havent upset anyone as ive just moved into the house but yeh maybe it is the vest ;)

Just want to get the stuff off soon as. Ill give that a go.
I'll be honest, I saw the vest and pink skinny jeans and clicked your profile because I thought you were a girl.

That doesn't look like it's actually taken paint off though.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Jamaincan Flag sticker on the rear window, people will think youre a yardie, and no one will mess with your car. Done.
  Ph1 172.
Welcome to the forum, I would count yourself lucky that whoever put turps on your car is an idiot. I imagine they thought it would strip or damage the paint. i can think of no other reason why somebody might pour turps on the car! Like somebody else said, hopefully detailingworld will be able to help.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
If i were you, i'd be looking after my car, whoever done it might be back another night with something more... 'harmfull' that will actually do some damage!
  Nissan 350z
If i were you, i'd be looking after my car, whoever done it might be back another night with something more... 'harmfull' that will actually do some damage!

This. When the knuckle dragging genious realises your paint hasnt been stripped off by using Turps whats to say they wont come back with something else for another attempt? Id deffinately start parking your car somewhere different.
  Clio 1.2 Expression
I'll be honest, I saw the vest and pink skinny jeans and clicked your profile because I thought you were a girl.

That doesn't look like it's actually taken paint off though.

I Am A Girl Haha Can I Get Away With The Vest And Jeans Now?
  Clio 1.2 Expression
This. When the knuckle dragging genious realises your paint hasnt been stripped off by using Turps whats to say they wont come back with something else for another attempt? Id deffinately start parking your car somewhere different.

Ive Started Parking Right Outside The House Now So Hopefully Nothing More Will Happen :D


ClioSport Club Member
I'll be honest, I saw the vest and pink skinny jeans and clicked your profile because I thought you were a girl.

That doesn't look like it's actually taken paint off though.

same here,

maybe its the vest thats caused all this problem
