Yeah, I know how much they cost. Its not too bad. And yeah, Im serious about it.
Weight wise, yeah, it was a concern, but I really like my audio and cant stand the road noise. The stinger roadkill weighs in at about 4kg per square metre (for all you oudated people thats 9lbs per 10sq ft).
In actual fact, Im leaning more towards a closed-cell foam acoustic absorbent rather than a vibration dampener like dynamat or road kill etc. Maybe Ill just do both
Ive lost my spare wheel now anyhow, so my sub is going to go in there. So Ive got some weight that I can make up in sound deadening before im back to the factory weight
So... any ideas about how the door cards work and how much access is under there? The main reason Im asking is that I dont want to do it if its going to wreck the door cards in the process of getting them off. I konw renault uses some alternative methods for attaching all that stuff! Or maybe its just that Im not so used to European cars. I dont know. But its been a pain so far for installing audio gear!
[Edited by sajc on 12/5/2004 12:31:30 AM]