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Special spacer for stock steering wheel

  Clio 3 RS 203
Hi Giacomo, hi guys!. Is there any available spacers for a Clio 3 203?? I was not sure about it because the thread was started like 8 years ago, but the last comment is from oct 25. So if there is any available, can it be shipped to Spain? And how much €€? Thanks in advance.
  Clio 197

Could you please send the CAD file for me. I would print the model with 3D printer, and try if its comfortable for me. After that I would order it from you if available.
Thank you!
I forgot mention, I need it for my clio197


ClioSport Club Member

Could you please send the CAD file for me. I would print the model with 3D printer, and try if its comfortable for me. After that I would order it from you if available.
Thank you!
Imagine if you owned a company that had a unique product that had taken a fair amount of time to design and develop and takes a decent amount of time to manufacture on complex and expensive machinery. Now imagine giving that away and not seeing a penny for it ever again.
Ask about the returns policy before buying, a bit like you would with any other business.
Well, despite @Clio_fool reply being holy and legit, we do something similar.
I purchased a 3D printer to make prototypes to ship to people very far from Italy, to check fitment on their own car for new versions of spacers I never made, and of which I can’t find anyone else closer.

by the way, we don’t share any file. We act this way: inside EU, returning parts is so easy that we sell and if people don’t like, simply send back at his cost and get refund.
Outside EU, we go 3D first, or if people buy and then regret, ship at his cost and I do a full refund, less the Custom fee I have to pay when the part returns.
UK is outside EU.
I am a company, so I must make an invoice in any case, of which a buyer is going to pay a fee to the UK Customs. I don’t know the fre exactly.

Let me point out that it’s very rare that somebody regret and send the spaver back.
Hi @Duncan.wolfs

The spacer for the Twingo 2 is the same as the Clio 2. This one, which is in stock

There is one lenght, shorter is not doable for assembling and safety reasons. Longer is doable but there is a long waiting time.

Unless you are 2 meters tall, you should be fine with the 6 cm lenght.

We don’t have pics of the spacer installed on a Twingo 2, there is a bonus partial little refund for the first that send us at least 4 good pics of the spacer installed on the Twingo 2, to share on our website.

