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Sunroofs on clio sports

  Megane 225 F1
Ive tried the search and i cant find what im looking for.

Ph1's didnt come with a sunroof as standard. Found one that has one anyway (regardless of whether its OEM or an aftermarket one). Will it affect the way the car handles or performs etc. Only asking as it appears to me that the car would be more rigid without one.
  133, 182, Kangoo 182
On the non sports they creak a lot suggesting the roof does flex a lot but to be honest, unless you were to abuse it (ie. Track) then I don't see it making any difference.

Either it is some kinda OEM sunroof, it's had a non sport roof (somehow) attached or it's a conversion. Either way I'd be skeptical about how well it's done. Is there any paperwork fo the cars originality or even just or the rood?
  Sunflower & Golf Mk6 BMT
Sun roofs were not an option on any UK 172's. Although im sure I have seen pics of one albeit very VERY rare.

Must be a rep if its got a sunroof?

Why do you want one? they are heavy and often end up leaking. Ask any mk1 Clio owner!
  Megane 225 F1
I dont want one lol. Just i found a ph1 to buy, and it had a sunroof. Hence the question. I think im going to leave it.
  Sunflower & Golf Mk6 BMT
Ah ok, well unless you really want one or the car its fitted to is a good deal then steer clear, that's based on my experience with my old valver.
