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Super quick question - Chaucer insurance?

Super quick urgent question - Chaucer/HIC insurance?

Has anyone been with them?

Need an answer asap as my insurance is due tonight and the place shuts at 7! :S

Just got a good quote from them, including agreed valuation, like for like replacement, non-competitive trackday cover, salvage retention...

Any bad experiences?

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Ok, I've taken the plunge and gone with them (or rather I've gone through HIC, and Chaucer are the underwriters.)

details of me:

9 years NCB
SP30 / 5 points / £170 / 2005
TS10 / 3 points / £90 / 2005
Business Class 1 insurance
One non-fault claim in 2005, all £650 costs recovered off the third party

Details of insurance: (boring bits)

Legal Cover
Personal Accident cover
£50 windscreen excess
£500 stereo cover
Courtesy car

Details of insurance: (better bits)

Salvage retention
Like for like replacement
Trackday cover (£1-2000 excess though! but better than nowt)
Insured on other vehicles

£650 premium
Agreed valuation for an extra £15.75
£250 excess

Not too bad I thought, and £150 less than my renewal but with extra benefits.

The test will come if I have to claim.

*crosses fingers he won't* LoL
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the TS10 offence date was actually november 2004 but due to the way the courts work didn't get to court until september 2005.

Then, conveniently, they scheduled my speeding one (got July 2005) for less than a week after that one, AND I had the same magistrate as the red light... :rolleyes:


Yeah, it was a bloke in a car - seemed pretty decent, wasn't shitty, I just came across badly and was also wearing my chav hoody LOL
