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tescos insurance, what to tell em

got an rsi 1.8, im 17 yr old male, insurance is way high on my parrents, and i wanna do stuff to the car, but dont wanna do anything thats gonna affect insurance? what does/doesnt affect insurance? ( mainly interested on filter at mo but a nice list be grand!) cheers boys ryan
  Mondeo STTDCI

If you mod it in anyway tell them.

People like u cause my insurance to be way too high.
  Clio 197

changing the radio affects insurance ! so yeah you need to tell em every last detail or you could find your self un insured WHEN it comes to claim time. imo a rsi is too fast for a first time driver (which im assuming as your 17)

put it this way tesco added £300 to my policy to put alloys on my 1.2 8v corsa, i wouldnt like to think how much they will take the piss for with u!

Tescos with me, when i setup the policy asked if i had alloys on so thats alrite with no dramatic price increase? mind you i spect it will be different as im only covered on third party?, and wheels wud put it up via the theft part? so if i dont have theft, then maybies body kit stuf is alrite to? maybie not ryan

just give em a ring and ask em about it all first, c what theyll allow and how much they will increase 4 each mod

easiest way and safest :)

Just for your info, Tesco insurance is actually Direct Line.

Who ive been insured with for the last 7 years. Pretty cheap now as ive got maximum no claims discount. Oh and im 30!!:(

Would cost me £950/£1400 (TPFT/FC) to insure a valver this year if i had one. Im 22, 3Yrs NCD, and 3 SP30 Convitions (in jan 01, mar 01, oct 03).
