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That VXR nutter, he's back.

Someone needs to post up on there that he should take the wings and bumpers off etc to clean behind them as there will no doubt be a build up of dirt that could massively devalue the car. ;)
  MKIII 138
this sums it up for me..

  Black Gold Trophy
I'll never forget when I first saw the thread about his blue astra vxr being detailed on corsasport, and when one guy got all defensive, another user asked:

q: "when he uses that machine to check the depth of the paint, can that actually be seen by the naked eye"

a: "No, thats why he has to use the machine to check it"

q: "So whats the point of correcting the depth if any irregularities are not visible when you are anyone else looks at it?"
  PH1 172
some people on here need to grow up. no need for personal insults about the guy - you dont even know him.

you may think its OTT but no need for personal slagging. He does have a wife as he mentions her in the Dyson thread.

he also gets pais prob an awful lot mroe than any of us to detail cars professionally - perhaps these attitudes represent jealousy?
  Golf GT TDI, IS220d
hahaha what a thread, i carnt belive how obsesive this guy is - and he two mates lol!


ClioSport Club Member
some people on here need to grow up. no need for personal insults about the guy - you dont even know him.

you may think its OTT but no need for personal slagging. He does have a wife as he mentions her in the Dyson thread.

he also gets pais prob an awful lot mroe than any of us to detail cars professionally - perhaps these attitudes represent jealousy?

Agree with this other than the jealousy part.

It is only an Astra at the end of the day, but he does it for a job and threads like that demonstrates what he can do. If you wanted one of the best for your car, you'd definately consider him. If you spent so much time detailing other peoples cars for a job, you'd want your own to be the best out of all of em.

Don't see how people can sl@g him off when they don't even know him. It may be sad in some people's eyes but it's a hobby at the end of the day, just like gardening, trainspotting, bird spotting or whatever; im sure the majority of people think one of these is sad as well.
  PH1 172
^^ they have cus of t***s who came onto the thread slagging him off: like 80% of people commenting in this thread

if you think its sad i question the reason you are on DW in the first place
  Abarth Grande Punto
that took me around 30 mins to look through that lot! Talk about overdo the special edition decals!
  Clio 172
haha yh someone has lol relax and whats wrong with being childish gotta have fun sometime and jealousy haha yh right id rather have a fiat panda than that ! if you didnt like comments why read most of them to come to the assumption that we are being childish and jealous ???????????/
^^ they have cus of tw*ts who came onto the thread slagging him off: like 80% of people commenting in this thread

if you think its sad i question the reason you are on DW in the first place

to the level he has done this to. there really is no need, i enjoy doing all this crap, and ill go into good detail when doing it.....but 51 layers of wax....and £10,000 for a pot of wax. Ear bud on the boot hinges.......getting upset about some sticy stuff behind pannels.

f**k tard in my opinion.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
I'm more worried about the people that have enough bland enough lives to spend time reading the whole thread, then going to the effort to sign up to DW, just to **** off a guy who they have just spent 30 minutes reading about on the internet... They need to tell their mum's to take Net Nanny off IMO so they can get back to masturbating over pictures of Jakki Degg spread over a Saxos bonnet.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
^^ they have cus of tw*ts who came onto the thread slagging him off: like 80% of people commenting in this thread

if you think its sad i question the reason you are on DW in the first place
Oooooohhhh get you! Almost as sad as you sticking up for someone you don't know, on a thread about another thread on a different website.
I think you're made of fail.
some people on here need to grow up. no need for personal insults about the guy - you dont even know him.

you may think its OTT but no need for personal slagging. He does have a wife as he mentions her in the Dyson thread.

he also gets pais prob an awful lot mroe than any of us to detail cars professionally - perhaps these attitudes represent jealousy?

Whoa! Knickers, twist!

The guy detailed a vacuum cleaner. I'm sorry, but, that's sad. ;)

Fair enough keep his car clean, but crying because the sticker isn't stuck down 100%, and some marks under a carpet that will never be seen?! Mental problems my friend.

PS; has anyone got his number? My pen pot on my desk has a few swirls and scuffs, could do with a detail with £100,000 wax tbh.
