Firstly, thanks for the replies folks and apologies for not replying sooner. I've been working away and had very little Internet access. Secondly, "hi" to those who I saw at Castle Combe's Action Day the other. Unfortunately I only knew a few faces but it was good to see you all nevertheless!
Blimey your not having much luck with the T ?!
You can get the dampers done at BG motorsport at Silverstone and think its around £500 maybe a bit more to fit new adjusters when its unpinned.(Loads of info on cliotrophy)
Puremotorsport sell and fit the aircon removal stuff not sure on Schricks though.
Thanks mate. As much as I love the Trophy I have to confess that the last few weeks has really got to me. The amount of money I've pumped into this is unbelievable. In fact, I'll be keeping track of costs as part of my ongoing project thread from this point onwards.
Please, please please get that awful filter of death off there asap!! As you can see, god only knows whats being sucked in there ...
Re: the Sachs, BG Motorsport do it, about £500 all in inc. de-pinning from memory. And PMS sell the aircon delete, mine was supplied/fitted by JMS, but not sure if the new owners will be offering a similar service, but im sure any reputable specialist should be able to fit it.
And finally, you are very unlucky, especially after the money you've poured into this thing!! Have TDF given any comment on the issues as of yet?
Cheers for the information mate. I'm happy to report that a new filter has been sourced and sorted and will be fitted in the very near future. I will post up pics and thoughts, etc. in a coming thread update. I've also contacted BG Motorsport and am looking to have the work done in the first week of October all being well, including the adjustment upgrade ('unpinning').
As for the aircon delete kit and removal, I will most likely take it to MWM. I contacted JMS regarding this before but obviously things have changed recently with respect to their trading. Due to costs of more important work, this will have to wait a little longer than I had hoped.
More information in a coming update soon... cheers fella.
Not much luck again Andy!
Do you fancy meeting up some time and maybe driving mine, that way you can see if mine has any of the same characteristics or not.
It's unfortunate, mate. I'm beginning to think I've got a jinxed 'un (or a 'bad' engine). You know how well the Trophy gets looked after so I'm feeling more than a bit pished with it at the moment. If I haven't got to where I want to be in the next 4-6 weeks I might well take you up on that offer mate - thank you.
well done good work and effort put in there
Cheers mate - thanks for the kind words.
Mate, you are not having much luck with this Tropey...
That oil leak looks pretty horrific... I would get the car to TDF and have the rocker cover resealed, I assume the work is warranted?
and get rid of that FILTER OF DEATH.... Just looking at how clogged up the trumpets and throttles are you can only imagine how caked up the valves etc. are!
There are plenty of filter solutions out there.. Pipercross, ITG both do a sausage filter with backing plates
I sorted a filter and few other bits out for a local lad who runs the K-tec DTH bodies on his PH-1 172:
Admitantly he fitted a 172 cup aux set up at the same time..
He was experiencing the same problems with the FILTER OF DEATH, trumpets and throttles clogged up and the filter dropping to pieces.
T-ropey! LOL! You aren't wrong, Gray!
The oil leak looks quite bad but - in fairness - it is worse than it looks. However, that doesn't mean I want to leave it as it is. Whilst I appreciate the Clio is susceptible to leaks in and around the rocker cover I do think (given the recent work and new state of the head) that it shouldn't be leaking to the extent that it is - if at all. Warranty? No - sadly no warranty on the work carried out.
Regarding the filter of death, I am concerned as to the state the valves might be in. Whilst the trumpets and butterflies get a good cleaning the valves aren't so easy to do (!) so I'm hoping for the best. The good news is that my new filter solution is on the way, consisting of a proper backplate and filter on top with plenty of room to breathe. The car is not being driven much either so hopefully any problems won't be exaggerated.
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks again for kindly letting me drive it Andy - it is a great little car

The oil was a bit of a funny one, the engine shouldn't breath too much oil out, but everything that could leak was dry, so Im guessing that is what has seeped out over the course of time.Il have a look round R.E. the filter - As said I am quite worried about it given what is coming off, so if we can get one sorted asap, if you pop down to see me il fit it for you.
No problem, Russ - glad you enjoyed the drive in it. By the next time you see it it should be driving and handling properly so will have to take it out again and see how it compared to your previous drive

Catch you soon and thanks for the help and loan of your facilities (ooer!)
Hope you get everything sorted soon. Awesome spec, if I'm keeping mine it'll end up with similar setup, minus the ktec fillter lol
If the Sachs need a refurb, try to use it as little as possible and get it done asap. I ran mine too long and ended up scoring one of the pistons due to them running slightly low on pressure. This occured a +£100 bill ontop of the £500 refurb cost, iirc around £50 for unpinning and new adjusters.
I can dig out my BG motorsport recipt tonight if you want? Mine were done few months ago.
Thanks Keith - appreciate the advice/suggestion and kind words. I have been in touch with BG Motorsport and have a price for the worst case scenario (i.e. where new pistons, etc. are needed if they are found to be damaged). Hopefully this work will be carried out in the first week of October and hopefully I won't have to pay for the worst case scenario!
that rockercover gasket can't be sealed right Andy, and I echo the comments above you need a proper filter solution or your engine is just going to keep coughing on that stuff, it might also be adding to your rough running problem. Have you checked your plug threads to see if theres any oil on them? Call Matt, it needs looking at.
Also not to be super negative but Dasktek do normally over read considerably, I think last time I was there my car made 210bhp and 159ftlbs
That's with the bodies and 428 cams, only my car has always been slightly down on power. Whilst it was mapped it made 204bhp and 165ft lbs on Matt's rollers.
Swings and roundabouts though
I hear you mate - and I am more inclined to agree that the rocker cover / gasket might not be sitting and/or sealed correctly. I've not noticed excessive oil loss (dipstick regularly checked) but it does seem more than I would expect. The plugs and housings are all oil-free so no problems on that front. As I am over towards Silverstone to have the dampers done I will also pop over to TDF to get the rocker cover looked at.
Swings and roundabouts for sure... as long as it drives well then I can't be too upset.
Awesome trophy mate !! Did you find out what was causing your lumpy idle and lumpiness at low revs ?? Hope you can get it sorted out
It looks to be due to the ITB's being in need of balancing. Under partial throttle you can actually see that the rightmost butterfly is opening before (and further) than the others, with the leftmost also slightly out of sync. The valves may also be clogged up with the foam shed from the filter of death. When I get them balanced and serviced in the coming weeks I'll take a closer look and report back in a thread update.
This is a good idea Andy after leaving there Sat i noticed the cup felt a bit hesitant and the idle had gone a bit wierd. So I whipped the plugs out and number 4 plug was drowning in oil it must be from the cam cover bolt leak that i had. It runs a lot since giving it a clean up god knows how long it had been like that so may be something to look at.
Cant believe the state of that filter compared to mine they are supposed to be the same but they felt so different if you want any of my readout info etc let me know forgot all about it when we were there.
Cheers Marc - as mentioned I have checked the plugs and all is good in that respect. It's useful to bear in mind for future issues (if / when I experience them...) As for the filter... mad isn't it? Considering it is the same as yours it looks different (as in mine has collapsed) and feels different (cheaper). I can't wait to get it off. In fact, at the recent Combe Action Day I ripped it off anyway as I was getting fed up of the damn thing! Hopefully catch you soon mate, along with bro-in-law.