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The Lowwwwwww Ph2 - Progress Thread

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ClioSport Club Member
the orange decals on the black wheels make all the difference comapred to just black. looks good
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
^pft, spammers....

Looks good Jord, liking the Orange but the cage isn't bright enough!
Agreed... just needs a fcuking wash! ;)

Meet you at B&Q tonight for that wheel lad?

ive got all my four wheels back on now fuckign busy all night though, got the steel off and ready to go :( when do you need it by?

drop me a text and il probs be able to sort something, its orange now BTW! ;)
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just another little addition/replacement ;)

yeah there are a few other orange bits i want to do, but, the orange i used for the cage was from B&Q, and you have to be 21 to buy paint from there now, which im not FFS!
  Evo 6, E92 320d
WTF i guess its all to do with the challenge 21 scheme. Reminds me when i got id'd at the range for paint
"You're over 16 sir?"
"yeh im 19"
LOL yeah, well its only plastikote paint like, but nowhere else round here sells it in the same color i need, which is a bit of a bummer! il have to get winston to go to b&q for me, lol


ClioSport Club Member
Amazing car mate, putting some serious effort into the car and it's really paying off.
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