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Theiving Gipsy B*#tards

Took my car down to the Renault garage in Crewe this morning for their fifth attempt at fitting my windscreen seal properly, turns out this time they wanted me to pay £105 to fix the fault that has been with the car since I had it and which they have attempted to fix four times previously under warranty, gave Renault Customer Care a call on 0800 0723372 and hey presto the jobs going to be done for no charge, just hope they do it properly this time. Anyone else spend more of their spare time at Renault dealerships than anywhere else or is it just me and my dodgy 172.

my dad was down there today as his 172 (8 months old) which he got 2 weeks ago had half the lacker missing off of the spare wheel, needless to say they swapped it with the silver one they are selling !

(its nice to see they check things first) :p

still the geezer was a top bloke according to my old man.
  Revels Mum & Sister

hmm seems to me they are all friday afternoon cars.

Who here owns a 172 hasnt had major probs. Thank god for warrantys! What they be like in 10 years with 80K + on the clock!

Quote: Originally posted by Liquid_ICE on 20 August 2003

hmm seems to me they are all friday afternoon cars.

Who here owns a 172 hasnt had major probs. Thank god for warrantys! What they be like in 10 years with 80K + on the clock!
will they make 10 yrs?

10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you fekin serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judging by Renault build quality, my car will be a convertible by then!!!!!!

Had a call from the Renault dealership this morning regarding my window seal, turns out their going to replace the windscreen and all the seals:D, even asked what colour tint I wanted, theres blue or green apparently:confused:. Gotta hand it to Renault, this time they done themselves proud.

Surprise, surprise, turned up at Renault on Friday morning to find that they werent changing the windscreen nor were they changing the window seals, but actually glueing them in place this time........useless f*#kers:(

bought a 02 cup, end of august with 15k on, its been in 3 times, and is in again now!! mid section exhaust blew, they wanted 280quid as it was out of warranty, told them to stick it... suprise got it done for free!

But ive got a power problem.... GGGGGrrrrrreat;)

The car is fun though!!!
