ClioSport Club Member
Do you want to fix it and sell it to me?
Pretty solid, looks tidy too. If you can get the engine issues sorted then I might have a buyer for you.
A mate is looking at 325i E91s.
Cheers @Christopher its in lovely condition, bodywork is a fair bit better than my 330i, barring the front bumper, which is very "motorway miles". But yes to you and @massivewangers, the intention is most likely to fix it and sell; although ill use it for a little while to make sure all is fine and dandy first. Its rather useful having the extra storage at the moment as well if im entirely honest - ive really struggled with places to put "cr4p" since i sold the Mini ?Do you want to fix it and sell it to me?
Haha, you know me oh so well ?Ha ha ha, this is Dave through and through. Love it. Good spend.
Sarah said exactly the same. Along with "where are you gonna park that ... ?"Everyone loves a drunk purchase!
Hopefully this one will have a happy ending!!!I love Dave's stories!!
Yeah, i reckon so. Will swop the coils/plugs around to see if the misfires follow. All on Bank 2 (cyl 4,5,6) atm and with these cars being so well known for stuck/leaking injectors, i think one of them has probably failed and the other two cylinders are trying to compensate for it, causing the additional misfires. You know cars are a tad unreliable when clever people design parts/mega in depth websites to sell/discuss a cars problems though: serious amounts of bedtime reading there!!!Solid work Dave.... engine must be fuel related right? Too many cylinders to be anything like plugs/coils etc.
That LCi Tourer is lovely. Watched a video of a 330i Touring the other day and now I want one to replace 320 oil burner. Silky smooth 6 FTW [emoji1303]
It's a pre LCI![]()
Not a bad price for it, but then again if you got the saloon for £3k then it almost feels overpriced being a smaller engine? Unless estate commands a premium?
Well, ll i've just bought a low mileage N53 cylinder head, so we're getting there!Lazy bast - get on it![]()
Thanks, me to!Good work on the diagnosis So far, hopefully it works out.
Yeah, i had hoped it would easy, the likelihood of this happening was maybe 1/100, i mean, petrol BM's are generally fairly bomb proof mechanically. Never mind. The way i look at it is that if id paid the going price for it (£5-6k), id be fuming, as it would cost me circa £7.5-8.5k for a car that actually worked. Instead, i i took a bit of a punt at £3k, but £2.5k later, i'll know that all of the potential N53 weakpoints will have been sorted and i'll be left with a very high spec 325i touring, for roughly what one would have cost me normally.I take it you bought it because you thought it'd be an easy/cheap fix, but now it's not, is it worth it?
I can help with injector pricing if needs be Dave. Just give me a shout and I’ll tell you what they can be got for.
Pay them to do it, then swap all the best bits into the E91.
Dave, have you managed to fit the B12 kit on the 330i yet? Fancy a set myself jus reinserted on your thoughts vs m sport suspension.
Can you just confirm your bundle of cars please? ?? we’ve lost track of what you’ve got ??
lol thanks, i think335i is a great (brave) choice.
Is that the Original TT that your mrs had about 10yrs ago.?
Yes, N52 manual 330i, with xenons. Rocking horse poop stylee. They are a weird old beast actually, some of the mint, high spec ones see up to £8k at dealers! Whereas the snotty/miley ones can be down to £3-4k or so, many of those are utter nails though! As you say though, very reliable engine, so will always be pretty sought after i think. They are worth searching out though, mine is genuinely lovely to drive - prefer it to the 335i actually, the hydraulic steering is much better than the (active option) setup in the 335i, with the gearbox/clutch being nice and heavy by comparison.Excellent!
I’m looking at either an e61 530i n52 or an e90 330i n52. Is your saloon n52? Looks like it from the engine bay. This seems the one to go for. Seem hard to find though. Not bothered about auto or manual
Wait, you’ve taken the better boot off the one you’re keeping and fitted it on the one you’re selling? Lol